How do I display unicode value stored in a string variable using ord()
wxjmfauth at
wxjmfauth at
Sat Aug 18 14:05:07 EDT 2012
Le samedi 18 août 2012 19:28:26 UTC+2, Mark Lawrence a écrit :
> Proof that is acceptable to everybody please, not just yourself.
I cann't, I'm only facing the fact it works slower on my
Windows platform.
As I understand (I think) the undelying mechanism, I
can only say, it is not a surprise that it happens.
Imagine an editor, I type an "a", internally the text is
saved as ascii, then I type en "é", the text can only
be saved in at least latin-1. Then I enter an "€", the text
become an internal ucs-4 "string". The remove the "€" and so
Intuitively I expect there is some kind slow down between
all these "strings" conversion.
When I tested this flexible representation, a few months
ago, at the first alpha release. This is precisely what,
I tested. String manipulations which are forcing this internal
change and I concluded the result is not brillant. Realy,
a factor 0.n up to 10.
This are simply my conclusions.
Related question.
Does any body know a way to get the size of the internal
"string" in bytes? In the narrow or wide build it is easy,
I can encode with the "unicode_internal" codec. In Py 3.3,
I attempted to toy with sizeof and stuct, but without
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