issue with struct.unpack
python at
Tue Aug 28 18:49:50 EDT 2012
On 28/08/2012 23:34, 9bizy wrote:
> This is what I have to reproduce the challenge I am having below:
> import csv
> import struct
> data = []
> for Node in csv.reader(file('s_data.xls')):
That tries to read the file as CSV, but, judging from the extension,
it's in Excel's format. You don't even use what is read, i.e. Node.
> data.append(list((file('s_data.xls'))))
That opens the file again and 'list' causes it to read the file as
though it were a series of lines in a text file, which, as I've said,
it looks like it isn't. The list of 'lines' is appended to the list
'data', so that's a list of lists.
> data = struct.unpack('!B4HH', data)
> print "s_data.csv: ", data
> I tries so many format for the struct.unpack but I got this errors:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> data = struct.unpack('!B4HH', data)
> struct.error: unpack requires a string argument of length 11
It's complaining because it's expecting a string argument but you're
giving it a list instead.
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