Confused about logger config from within Python (3)

Terry Reedy tjreedy at
Sat Dec 29 19:18:46 EST 2012

On 12/29/2012 8:48 AM, Roy Smith wrote:
> In article <50de7a0a$0$29967$c3e8da3$5496439d at>,
>   Steven D'Aprano <steve+comp.lang.python at> wrote:
>> In Python 3.2 and 3.3, the message about no handlers is not printed,
>> which is an interesting difference. (Somebody who knows more about the
>> logging package than I do might be able to state why that difference.)
> I hope that means that has finally
> been fixed :-)

I added an update ;-).

If Vijay wanted the message to be a warning rather than an exception, 
the warnings module and mechanism could have been used (once it was 
available -- I am not sure when that was). But I think a default handler 
is even better.

Given that you disagreed with his disposition of the issue, you might 
have posted to this list for other opinions.

I also hope you appreciate that Vijay has stuck with maintenance and 
upgrade of the module for nearly a decade now.

Terry Jan Reedy

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