when to use import statements in the header, when to use import statements in the blocks where they are used?

Dave Angel d at davea.name
Tue Feb 7 21:05:15 EST 2012

On 02/07/2012 08:48 PM, Lei Cheng wrote:
> Hi all,
>     In a py file, when to use import statements in the header, when to use
> import statements in the blocks where they are used?
>     What are the best practices?
>     Thanks!
> Pat
Best practice is to put all the imports at the beginning of the module, 
so they are easy to spot.

If you put an import inside a function, it gets re-executed each time 
the function is called, which is a waste of time.  Not too much, since 
import first checks sys.modules to see if it's already loaded.

Also, avoid the     from xxx import *    form, as it pollutes the 
namespace.  And it makes it hard to figure out where a particular name 
is declared.

I believe these and other best practices can be found in pep8.




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