Id of methods

Terry Reedy tjreedy at
Wed Feb 8 23:08:36 EST 2012

On 2/8/2012 10:48 PM, Emeka wrote:

>class Boo(object):
>      def __init__(self , moon, sun):
>          self.moon = moon
> self.sun = sun
>      def daf(self):
>          return self.sun + self.moon
>      def ball(self):
>          return self.sun * self.moon
> print Boo.__dict__
> {'__module__': '__main__', 'ball': <function ball at 0x286e9b0>, 'daf':
> <function daf at 0x286e938>, '__dict__ ......}
> print  hex(id(Boo.daf))
> 0x27de5a0

> My question is why is it that the id of Boo.daf  is different from daf's
> hex value in the above dict?

Because you are using Python 2. Just print Boo.daf and you will see that 
it is not a 'function'. In Python 3, it will be, and have the same address.

Terry Jan Reedy

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