while True or while 1

Andrea Crotti andrea.crotti.0 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 21 08:47:00 EST 2012

I see sometimes in other people code "while 1" instead of "while True".
I think using True is more pythonic, but I wanted to check if there is
any difference in practice.

So I tried to do the following, and the result is surprising.  For what
I can see it looks like the interpreter can optimize away the 1 boolean
conversion while it doesn't with the True, the opposite of what I

Anyone can explain me why is that, or maybe is my conclusion wrong?

   def f1():
       while 1:

   def f2():
       while True:

   In [10]: dis.dis(f)
   2           0 SETUP_LOOP               3 (to 6)

   3 >>    3 JUMP_ABSOLUTE            3
 >>    6 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
               9 RETURN_VALUE

   In [9]: dis.dis(f1)
   2           0 SETUP_LOOP              10 (to 13)
 >>    3 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (True)
               6 POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE       12

   3           9 JUMP_ABSOLUTE            3
 >>   12 POP_BLOCK
 >>   13 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
              16 RETURN_VALUE

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