except clause syntax question

Charles Yeomans charles at declareSub.com
Tue Jan 31 19:27:38 EST 2012

On Jan 31, 2012, at 7:12 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:

> On 1/31/2012 8:57 AM, Charles Yeomans wrote:
>> In any case, though I appreciate your attempt at a post hoc justification,
> > I was hoping for a positive explanation.
> I think the best you are going to get is that Python somewhat consistently*, for both practical and historical reasons#, uses tuples when the syntax allows an object or collection of objects.
> * except, isinstance, isubclass, ''%x, perhaps other places.
> In the last case, that creates a problem when one wants to interpolate a tuple as an object rather than having it viewed as a container of several objects to be interpolated. That was on
> # Python once treated tuples as different from lists in ways that is not true now. (Read the 1.5 docs if really interested.)

I'll do that.  Thanks.

Charles Yeomans

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