Why site-packages?
Thomas Jollans
t at jollybox.de
Tue Jul 3 17:58:30 EDT 2012
On 07/03/2012 11:34 PM, Dan Stromberg wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 3, 2012 at 9:04 PM, Ian Kelly <ian.g.kelly at gmail.com
> <mailto:ian.g.kelly at gmail.com>> wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 3, 2012 at 2:40 PM, Dan Stromberg <drsalists at gmail.com
> <mailto:drsalists at gmail.com>> wrote:
> >
> > Why is it that so much 3rd party python code gets installed to
> > site-packages?
> Because that's what site-packages is for?
> Agh. But -why- is it because that's what it's for?
> "Who made this rule"?
It's (reasonably) consistent with the way things are usually done on UNIX.
Libraries go in /usr/lib. That's all libraries, not just core system
Similarly, Python modules go in /usr/lib/python. That's all Python
modules, not just the standard library. That means that you can use them
in scripts without faffing around because the interpreter will find
them, even if you're in a completely random directory.
The point of site-packages then is to make sure that user-installed
packages are cleanly separated from standard and distribution-installed
packages, similarly to the way /usr/local/ is used in general (and can
be used for Python packages, of course)
> > Even for things that are almost certainly going to be used by a single
> > application?
> >
> > Even for things you might only use once?
> >
> > Even for things that might require one version for one app, and
> another
> > version for another app?
> For these types of uses, I suggest using virtualenv if you don't want
> to pollute your site-packages. Or Python 3.3 with the new built-in
> virtual environment option.
> Virtualenv is worth thinking about, but it kind of does the same thing,
> just less of it.
> > Why not stash an application's python modules in
> /usr/local/lib/[appname],
> > and stash a little frontend in /usr/local/bin that adds
> > /usr/local/lib/[appname] to sys.path?
> What if you then write an application that you find needs two of these
> libraries? You write yet another frontend that adds both of them to
> sys.path?
> If it was intended to be reusable code, I'd think it -should- go in
> site-packages.
> But so much code in site-packages isn't intended to be reusable.
> And even for stuff that's reusable, there are advantages to just
> duplicating them for the purposes of each application, because you never
> know when one of them is going to need a different version from another.
> If we weren't stashing so much stuff in site-packages, there probably
> wouldn't have been a desire for something like virtualenv.
> > Here's a thread on stackoverflow today asking why python starts up so
> > slowly, and making it clear that this is because so much stuff
> ends up in
> > site-packages:
> >
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11318028/is-it-safe-to-use-pythons-s-option
> I think you may be misunderstanding that thread. They're saying that
> starting Python with the -S option (i.e. not automatically importing
> the site module) significantly cuts down on Python's startup time.
> Yes...
> The site module has to process any .pth files in the site-packages,
> but apart from that, I think the actual amount of stuff in
> site-packages should be irrelevant.
> Irrelevant to what? More stuff in site slowing things down? Are
> .pth's not correlated with more stuff in site-packages? Aren't they
> actually a thing In site?
> Nothing in site-packages is
> actually imported or otherwise processed until the application
> requests it.
> Other than .pth's, apparently.
> You could have a completely empty site-packages, or you
> could have 20 gigs of third-party packages, and the time to import
> site would be basically the same.
> Well, I'd guess that a large directory would slow things down before
> causing filesystem complaints, but I see your point.
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