git_revision issues with scipy/numpy/matplotlib
Stephen Webb
sdavis.webb at
Sat Jul 7 11:57:10 EDT 2012
I think the easiest thing to do would be to remove the Python entirely, kill it from the path (which I've already done), and install directly a MacPorts version of Python.
Any caveats or warnings about getting rid of the /Library/Frameworks/Python.... directory?
On Jul 7, 2012, at Jul 7 8:40 AM, Hans Mulder wrote:
> On 7/07/12 14:09:56, Ousmane Wilane wrote:
>>>>>>> "H" == Hans Mulder <hansmu at> writes:
>> H> Or you can explicitly type the full path of the python you want.
>> H> Or you can define aliases, for example:
>> H> alias apple_python=/usr/bin/python alias
>> H> macport_python=/opt/local/bin/python
>> H> lfpv=/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions alias
>> H> python_org_python=$lfpv/2.7/bin/python
>> Or alternatively use `port select --set' to make one of the MacPort version the
>> default:
>> imac:~ wilane$ port select --list python
>> Available versions for python:
>> none
>> python25-apple
>> python26
>> python26-apple
>> python27 (active)
>> python27-apple
>> python32
> That would work if the OP had /opt/local/bin early in his searcht path.
> However, the OP has installed Python27 from, and that has
> prepended /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin to
> his PATH, overriding anything he does with "port select".
> He could, of course, change his PATH and move /opt/local/bin to the
> front and then use "port select".
> -- HansM
> --
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