how to interact with Windows cmd?
Prasad, Ramit
ramit.prasad at
Tue Jul 10 18:29:29 EDT 2012
> what I want to do is
> cmd
> 2.waiting for user's typing
> 3.when I type "dir"
> 4.print the result of "dir"
> 5.then I type some other commands, printing the result until I type
> 'exit'
> I used
> p=subprocess.Popen('cmd',stdin=subprocess.PIPE,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=s
> ubprocess.PIPE,shell=True)
> p=communicate('dir')
> it shows the first result but the problem is
> 1. it's too long so the cmd split the result with "more?", so result
> is not perfect
> 2. after this, I typed like "cd .." but I/O is already closed so I
> can't do another things..
> Is there any good way?
Not much experience with subprocess, but from what I have read
on here shell=True is usually bad. If you are trying to use
Python as a sort of bash replacement, you may want to take a
look at iPython
Not Apple related!
Ramit Prasad | JPMorgan Chase Investment Bank | Currencies Technology
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