lambda in list comprehension acting funny
Steven D'Aprano
steve+comp.lang.python at
Fri Jul 13 02:36:45 EDT 2012
On Thu, 12 Jul 2012 21:33:40 -0700, rusi wrote:
> On Jul 11, 11:41 am, Daniel Fetchinson <fetchin... at>
> wrote:
>> funcs = [ lambda x: x**i for i in range( 5 ) ] print funcs[0]( 2 )
>> print funcs[1]( 2 )
>> print funcs[2]( 2 )
>> This gives me
>> 16
>> 16
>> 16
>> When I was excepting
>> 1
>> 2
>> 4
>> Does anyone know why?
>> Cheers,
>> Daniel
> Your expectations are reasonable.
You forget to finish that sentence.
"Your expectations are reasonable, for languages that don't have
variables which can actually vary."
For purely functional languages like Haskell, the behaviour you show
below makes sense. Since Haskell doesn't allow variables to change their
value, once a closure sees i=1 (say), then it must *always* see i=1.
But that's not the case in Python, where the Haskell behaviour would be
unfortunate. Imagine if you did this:
def function(arg):
print("calling function with arg %r" % arg)
You would expect the function to honour changes to the variable VERBOSE,
would you not? Using Python's scoping rules for closures, it does. Using
Haskell's rules, it wouldn't.
> Heres the equivalent in Haskell from which python has taken
> comprehensions.
> ---------------------------------
> GHCi, version 7.4.1: :? for help
> Prelude> let funcs = [ (\ x -> x ^ i)| i <- [0..4]]
> Prelude> (funcs !! 0)(2)
> 1
> Prelude> (funcs !! 1)(2)
> 2
> Prelude> (funcs !! 2)(2)
> 4
> Prelude>
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