Encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism
Lipska the Kat
lipska at lipskathekat.com
Tue Jul 17 07:44:32 EDT 2012
On 17/07/12 12:37, Andrew Berg wrote:
> On 7/17/2012 6:01 AM, Lipska the Kat wrote:
>> Anyway, I'm looking at Python as a rapid prototyping language.
> "Pythonic" is (or at least should be) a word you encounter frequently in
> discussions of Python code. Learn what is considered Pythonic and then
> write Python code that way if you want to work with the language rather
> than fight it. Duck-typing is very Pythonic
You're not kidding, the 'duck' example at
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duck_typing made me check I hadn't overdone
the medication this morning. That is just plain ...weird. It will take
me a while to form non knee jerk opinions of this for sure.
> On a side note, I would highly recommend learning Python 3 (3.2 is the
> latest stable version) unless you have an explicit need for Python 2
> (some major 3rd-party libraries have not been ported yet). Python 2
> won't get any new features; it will simply get bug fixes until its EOL
> in 2014 (15?).
I'll check it out, thanks.
Lipska the Kat: Troll hunter, Sandbox destroyer
and Farscape dreamer of Aeryn Sun.
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