Encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism
Andrew Cooper
amc96 at cam.ac.uk
Tue Jul 17 20:46:31 EDT 2012
On 17/07/2012 19:36, Lipska the Kat wrote:
> On 17/07/12 19:18, Mark Lawrence wrote:
>> On 17/07/2012 18:29, Ethan Furman wrote:
>>> Terry Reedy wrote:
>>>> On 7/17/2012 10:23 AM, Lipska the Kat wrote:
>>>>> Well 'type-bondage' is a strange way of thinking about compile time
>>>>> type
>>>>> checking and making code easier to read (and therefor debug
>>>> 'type-bondage' is the requirement to restrict function inputs and
>>>> output to one declared type, where the type declaration mechanisms are
>>>> usually quite limited.
>>>> >>> def max(a, b):
>>>> if a <= b: return a
>>>> return b
>>> Surely you meant 'if a >= b: . . .'
>>> No worries, I'm sure your unittests would have caught it. ;)
>>> ~Ethan~
>> Wouldn't the compiler have caught it before the unittests? :-)
> Not unless the compiler could read your mind!
> The syntax looks fine it's the semantics that are suspect. Wrong is a
> word that I try not to use as it tends to upset people, let's call them
> "differently right" ;-)
> BTW having more than one return statement in a block is a little thing I
> know but it drives me nuts ... another "Pythonic" thing I'll have to get
> used to I suppose.
Its not a pythonic thing. Its a common and very acceptable paradigm.
Mainly, it avoids complicated breaks from nested control structures, and
especially the 'style' of maintaining one boolean value called
"should_continue" or something equally silly.
My daily work involves C, x86 assembly, reading x86/PCI/ACPI/etc
specifications and cursing violently at some of the stupidity, Python,
Bash and C++, and this is one of the few styles which remains fairly
constant throughout.
Take for example a Linux system call handler. The general form looks a
little like (substituting C for python style pseudocode)
if not (you are permitted to do this):
return -EPERM
if not (you've given me some valid data):
return -EFAULT
if not (you've given me some sensible data):
return -EINVAL
return actually_try_to_do_something_with(data)
How would you program this sort of logic with a single return statement?
This is very common logic for all routines for which there is even the
remotest possibility that some data has come from an untrusted source.
P.S. like the sig.
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