Encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism
Lipska the Kat
lipska at lipskathekat.com
Wed Jul 18 05:06:51 EDT 2012
On 18/07/12 01:46, Andrew Cooper wrote:
> On 17/07/2012 19:36, Lipska the Kat wrote:
>> On 17/07/12 19:18, Mark Lawrence wrote:
>>> On 17/07/2012 18:29, Ethan Furman wrote:
>>>> Terry Reedy wrote:
>>>>> On 7/17/2012 10:23 AM, Lipska the Kat wrote:
> Take for example a Linux system call handler. The general form looks a
> little like (substituting C for python style pseudocode)
> if not (you are permitted to do this):
> return -EPERM
> if not (you've given me some valid data):
> return -EFAULT
> if not (you've given me some sensible data):
> return -EINVAL
> return actually_try_to_do_something_with(data)
> How would you program this sort of logic with a single return statement?
> This is very common logic for all routines for which there is even the
> remotest possibility that some data has come from an untrusted source.
Eeek! well if you insist (type bound)
someType -EPERM
someType -EFAULT
sometype -EINVAL
someType checkSomething(data){
someType result = -EINVAL //or your most likely or 'safest' result
if not (you are permitted to do this):
result = -EPERM
if not (you've given me some valid data):
result = -EFAULT
if not (you've given me some sensible data):
result = -EINVAL
return result
//cohesive, encapsulated, reusable and easy to read
if(checkSomething(data) == EDOSOMETHING){
//who knows
What do you think ?
> ~Andrew
> P.S. like the sig.
Lipska the Kat: Troll hunter, Sandbox destroyer
and Farscape dreamer of Aeryn Sun.
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