Basic question about speed/coding style/memory
88888 Dihedral
dihedral88888 at
Mon Jul 23 17:42:53 EDT 2012
Jan Riechers於 2012年7月21日星期六UTC+8下午3時33分27秒寫道:
> Hello Pythonlist,
> I have one very basic question about speed,memory friendly coding, and
> coding style of the following easy "if"-statement in Python 2.7, but Im
> sure its also the same in Python 3.x
> Block
> #----------------------------------
> if statemente_true:
if an evaluated expression result is non-zero, then
> doSomething()
> else:
# execute this block if the expression evaluated as zero
> doSomethingElseInstead()
> #----------------------------------
> versus this block:
> #----------------------------------
> if statement_true:
> doSomething()
> return
> doSomethingElseInstead()
> #----------------------------------
> I understand the first pattern that I tell the interpreter to do:
> Check if the conditional is true, run "doSomething()" else go inside the
> else block and "doSomethingElseInstead()".
> while the 2nd does only checks:
> doSomething() if statement_true, if not, just go directly to
> "doSomethingElseInstead()
> Now, very briefly, what is the better way to proceed in terms of
> execution speed, readability, coding style?
> Letting out the fact that, in order to prevent
> "doSomethingElseInstead"-Block to execute, a return has to provided.
> Thank you for reading and hope someone brings light into that.
> Your fellow python programmer
> Jan
Well, the C-style branching is inherited in python.
Expressions and statements are different.
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