from future import pass_function
rustompmody at
Thu Jul 26 11:01:56 EDT 2012
On Jul 25, 1:40 pm, Ulrich Eckhardt <ulrich.eckha... at>
> Hi!
> I just had an idea, it occurred to me that the pass statement is pretty
> similar to the print statement, and similarly to the print() function,
> there could be a pass() function that does and returns nothing.
> Example:
> def pass():
> return
Since many have said NO but I see no good reasons for this no yet,
here's mine:
tl;dr version: Do-nothing statements are easy just do nothing, ie
Do-nothing expressions are hard. In the fully generic context they are
impossible to implement.
Longer version:
Consider the if expression and the if statement. The if statement can
have its else part elided in which case it defaults to pass. The if
expression cannot so elide. Why?
Consider the expression: (exp if cond) # no else
Now in "x + (exp if cond)" if cond is false it should presumably be 0
However in "x * (exp if cond)" it should presumably be 1?
And in the first case if x were a list should it not be [] ?
Now consider your suggestion:
def pass(): return
is identical to
def pass(): return None
So you are saying that None can serve as a "generic zero"?
Of course as you know (no suggestion that you are a noob on my part!!)
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>>> 0+3
>>> None+3
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'int'
>>> None+[1,2,3]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'list'
So now you (may) retort but these have nothing to do with what you
You see what youve asked for is moving pass from the statement world
to the expression world.
The meaning of a do-nothing statement is easy to give. The meaning of
a do-nothing expression is hard because we are obliged to specify a
type for expressions and the only value that can possibly belong to
all types is the error-value (what denotational semantics calls bottom
⊥ )
A more laymanish example:
I have a multiplication
I want one of the operands to be a 1, ie the identity
I substitute it with the nearest available value ie 0
And out goes the baby with the bathwater!
So to come back to your proposal:
> there could be a pass() function that does and returns nothing.
does nothing: easy
returns nothing: impossible (None is not "nothing", its more like
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