English version for Mémento Python 3 (draft, readers needed)
python at mrabarnett.plus.com
Tue Jun 5 14:56:12 EDT 2012
On 05/06/2012 18:32, Laurent Pointal wrote:
> Hello,
> I started a first translation of my document originally in french. Could
> some fluent english people read it and indicate errors or bad english
> expressions.
> http://perso.limsi.fr/pointal/python:memento
In addition to what Paul wrote:
"mot" => "word"
min/MAJ case discrimination => case-sensitive
Identifiers no longer restricted to ASCII range. Even π is permitted.
litteral => literal
see verso => see reverse
logial => logical
Indexation des séquences => Indexing of sequences
exemple => example
nombres flottants => floating-point numbers
valeurs approchées => (not sure)
Opérators => Operators
remain => remainder
care to inifinite loops => beware of infinite loops (possibly)
cpt => cnt (possibly)
"trouvé" => "found"
modif => ?
littéral => literal
always return => always returns
recto => obverse ("obverse" is the "correct" word, although "front"
might be clearer for those who don't know what "obverse" means!)
reversed copy => reverse iterator (note that it's an _iterator_)
défault => default
parametrs => parameters
"coucou" => "cuckoo"
fichier texte → lecture / écriture de chaînes uniquement, convertir
de/vers le type désiré => text file → reads/writes strings (?)
ne pas oublier de refermer le fichier après son utilisation => don't
forget to close the file after use
très courant : boucle itérative de lecture des lignes d'un fichier texte
=> very common : iterative loop reading lines from a text file
ligne => line
bloc traitement de la ligne => block processing line
directives de formatage => format directives
valeurs à formater => Values to format
Paramètre de conversion => Conversion parameter
chaîne d'affichage => display string
chaîne de représentation => string representation (or "representation
apparition order by default => in order of appearance by default (?)
espace => space
ou => or
flot => float
pourcent => percent
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