English version for Mémento Python 3 (draft, readers needed)
Jugurtha Hadjar
jugurtha.hadjar at gmail.com
Wed Jun 6 13:23:19 EDT 2012
On 06/05/2012 06:32 PM, Laurent Pointal wrote:
> Hello,
> I started a first translation of my document originally in french. Could
> some fluent english people read it and indicate errors or bad english
> expressions.
> http://perso.limsi.fr/pointal/python:memento
> Thanks.
> A+
> Laurent.
Very nice !
Some additions..
"formating" --> "formatting"
In the french version: "Parcours des index de la séquence" .. In the
english one "Go over sequence's index" .. I think it would be"Go over
sequence's indexes".
In the upper left corner, the "sigma" sign for the sum of the squares.
i=1, i=100... It should be "100" alone, not "i=100". The "i" is written
only on the bottom of sigma.
"strings formating" --> "string formatting"
"range returns a « generator », convert it to list to see.." -->
"converts" instead of "convert".
"frequently used in for iterative loops" --> .. I think it should be
"frequently used in "for" iterative loops" .. It is confusing if there
are no quotes, because "for" is a meaningful english word.. So
specifying you are talking about the reserved word would be nice.
"storage of data on disk, and read back" --> maybe something like
"storing data on disk, and reading it back".
"memorisation" --> "memorization" (most used spelling).
"initialisation" --> "initialization"
Thanks you,
~Jugurtha Hadjar,
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