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garabik-news-2005-05 at
garabik-news-2005-05 at
Sun Jun 10 02:31:02 EDT 2012
t_texas <tyevans at> wrote:
> On Jun 6, 7:50 am, loial <jldunn2... at> wrote:
>> I have a requirement to test the creation time of a file with the
>> current time and raise a message if the file is more than 15 minutes
>> old.
>> Platform is Unix.
>> I have looked at using os.path.getctime for the file creation time and
>> time.time() for the current time, but is this the best approach?
> Unless you are using ext4 you are going to have to store the creation
> time yourself. If the files are coming from your application, use the
> sqlite3 or shelve module to store the creation time for each file then
> check that data to determine which files are more than 15 minutes old.
pyinotify might be worth a look
| Radovan GarabĂk |
| __..--^^^--..__ garabik @ |
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