PySerial could not open port COM4: [Error 5] Access is denied - please help
adam at
Wed Jun 27 11:26:29 EDT 2012
"Paul" <nospam at> wrote in message
news:jseu9c$sp3$1 at
> Adam wrote:
>> "John Nagle" <nagle at> wrote in message
>> news:jse604$1cq$1 at
>>> On 6/26/2012 9:12 PM, Adam wrote:
>>>> Host OS: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
>>>> Guest OS: Windows XP Pro SP3
>>>> I am able to open port COM4 with Terminal emulator.
>>>> So, what can cause PySerial to generate the following error ...
>>>> C:\Wattcher>python
>>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>> File "", line 56, in <module>
>>>> File "C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\serial\", line 56,
>>>> in
>>>> open
>>>> raise SerialException("could not open port %s: %s" %
>>>> (self.portstr,
>>>> ctypes.WinError()))
>>>> serial.serialutil.SerialException: could not open port COM4: [Error 5]
>>>> Access is denied.
>>> Are you trying to access serial ports from a virtual machine?
>>> Which virtual machine environment? Xen? VMware? QEmu? VirtualBox?
>>> I wouldn't expect that to work in most of those.
>>> What is "COM4", anyway? Few machines today actually have four
>>> serial ports. Is some device emulating a serial port?
>>> John Nagle
>> Thanks, and yes, I am using VirtualBox. My laptop does not have a serial
>> port so
>> I use a USB-to-serial converter, which is assigned COM4.
> Doesn't VirtualBox allow "remapping" serial ports ? I thought you
> could have COM 4 in the host OS, and make it COM 1 or COM 2 in
> the guest. Something like that.
> Also, Windows (as a host), is notorious for stealing control of
> COM ports. Even Windows software, when you run it, would report
> "COM 4 is busy". Then, you have to track down *why* it's busy.
> Is it that FAX software you installed ? The GPS software
> that talks to your GPS serial interface ?
> In theory, the "Handle" program is supposed to identify what
> is keeping a COM port busy, but I don't get the desired
> results from it very often. You need to know the naming
> convention for virtual COM ports (COM4 via USB to serial, is
> more virtual than physical). That's what makes it harder
> to track down.
> These are some names for COM ports, in Windows. The last two entries,
> are my USB to serial adapters. VCP1 functions as COM3.
> VCP0 functions as COM4. The VCP part is what would be
> listed in "Handle" from Sysinternals. The \device\serial
> format, is more likely to be used with true "native"
> motherboard serial ports.
> \device\serial
> ups.exe pid: 1072 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
> 98: File (---) \Device\VCP0
> hypertrm.exe pid: 3404 ComputerName\UserID (claims to use COM3)
> E0: File (---) \Device\VCP1
> You can download "Handle" and play with it here.
> Note that, in my Handle results, at the time I was running
> the Windows provided ups.exe to talk to my external UPS
> (uninterruptible power supply). So that's what that
> reference is. The "hypertrm" one, is me using the
> built-in Windows terminal software, to talk to COM3,
> to keep the port artificially busy for the purposes
> of testing.
> If things were working well in your case, you *might*
> see something of this form. If not, you'd instead
> see the name of the process that has "stolen" the
> com port.
> virtualbox.exe pid: 1234 ComputerName\UserID
> E0: File (---) \Device\VCP0
> HTH,
> Paul
Thanks (Guru Paul), I've been using the USB-to-serial converter successfully
enabling/remapping via VBox Settings=>Serial Ports (which are both "not"
I can see the serial port COM4 under Device Manager though. So, maybe
enabling is
necessary when the host has "native" serial ports, which my laptop does not
>From the output generated by Handle.exe, here's the section for TeraTerm ...
ttermpro.exe pid: 596 VBOX_WINXPPRO\adam (claims to use COM4)
C: File (RW-) D:\downloads\Tera Term Pro\ttpro313
2C: Section \BaseNamedObjects\ttset_memfilemap
44: File (RW-)
54: File (RW-)
70: Section
78: File (RWD) C:\DOCUME~1\adam\LOCALS~1\Temp\IswTmp\Logs\ISWSHEX.swl
AC: Section
100: Section
108: File (RW-) D:\downloads\Tera Term Pro\ttpro313\httplog.log
120: Section
128: Section \BaseNamedObjects\ShimSharedMemory
138: Section \BaseNamedObjects\MSCTF.Shared.SFM.IAB
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