Porting Python to an embedded system

Devin Jeanpierre jeanpierreda at gmail.com
Sun Mar 4 08:40:07 EST 2012

On Sun, Mar 4, 2012 at 5:58 AM, Justin Drake <drakefjustin at gmail.com> wrote:
> I am working with an ARM Cortex M3 on which I need to port Python
> (without operating system). What would be my best approach? I just
> need the core Python and basic I/O.

How much time are you willing to budget to this? Porting something to
bare metal is not a small task. It's probably only worth it if you're
doing it for academic purposes. I expect for anything real-world it'd
be faster to do whatever it is you want to do using something that
already runs on the bare metal. (e.g. http://armpit.sourceforge.net/
for Scheme).

There used to be Flux OSKit ( http://www.cs.utah.edu/flux/oskit/ ) for
porting languages to bare metal, but it doesn't support ARM and it's
been dead a while. If you're really set on this, I'd try to see if
there's something similar out there, somewhere. 'cause writing an OS
from scratch would suck.

-- Devin

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