Pipelining in Python
Fri Mar 30 07:27:34 EDT 2012
I decided to withdraw my proposal for streaming programming :) and to fall back to something more conventional.
Here's the full story:
The new operators are
'>>' which does the pipelining
'-' which links functions
Pipelining is "function application in reverse order" and linking is "function composition in reverse order".
arg >> f
arg >> f - g
Let's look at some examples:
range(0,50) >> filter(lambda i : i%2) >> map(lambda i : i*i) >> my_print
(Yes, that's currying.)
compFunc = filter(lambda i : i%2) - map(lambda i : i*i)
range(0,50) >> compFunc >> my_print
3) (Sieve of Eratosthenes)
# Tells whether x is not a proper multiple of n.
notPropMult = cur(lambda n, x : x <= n or x % n, 2)
def findPrimes(upTo):
if (upTo <= 5): return [2, 3, 5]
filterAll = (findPrimes(floor(sqrt(upTo)))
>> map(lambda x : filter(notPropMult(x)))
>> reduce(lambda f, g : f - g))
return list(range(2, upTo + 1)) >> filterAll
findPrimes(1000) >> my_print
4) (Finds the approximate number of hrefs in a web page)
def do(proc, arg):
return arg
do = cur(do)
cprint = cur(print)
>> do(cprint("The page http://python.org has about... ", end = ''))
>> do(sys.stdout.flush)
>> urlopen
>> cur(lambda x : x.read())
>> findall(b"href=\"")
>> cur(len)
>> cur("{} hrefs.".format)
>> cprint)
And here's the complete source code (which includes a class version of /cur/ and the old tests/examples):
class CurriedFunc:
def __init__(self, func, args = (), kwArgs = {}, unique = True, minArgs = None):
self.__func = func
self.__myArgs = args
self.__myKwArgs = kwArgs
self.__unique = unique
self.__minArgs = minArgs
def __call__(self, *args, **kwArgs):
if args or kwArgs: # some more args!
# Allocates data to assign to the next CurriedFunc.
newArgs = self.__myArgs + args
newKwArgs = dict.copy(self.__myKwArgs)
# If unique is True, we don't want repeated keyword arguments.
if self.__unique and not kwArgs.keys().isdisjoint(newKwArgs):
raise ValueError("Repeated kw arg while unique = True")
# Adds/updates keyword arguments.
# Checks whether it's time to evaluate func.
if self.__minArgs is not None and self.__minArgs <= len(newArgs) + len(newKwArgs):
return self.__func(*newArgs, **newKwArgs) # time to evaluate func
return CurriedFunc(self.__func, newArgs, newKwArgs, self.__unique, self.__minArgs)
else: # the evaluation was forced
return self.__func(*self.__myArgs, **self.__myKwArgs)
def __rrshift__(self, arg):
return self.__func(*(self.__myArgs + (arg,)), **self.__myKwArgs) # forces evaluation
def __sub__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, CurriedFunc):
raise TypeError("Cannot compose a CurriedFunc with another type")
def compFunc(*args, **kwArgs):
return other.__func(*(other.__myArgs + (self.__func(*args, **kwArgs),)),
return CurriedFunc(compFunc, self.__myArgs, self.__myKwArgs,
self.__unique, self.__minArgs)
def cur(f, minArgs = None):
return CurriedFunc(f, (), {}, True, minArgs)
def curr(f, minArgs = None):
return CurriedFunc(f, (), {}, False, minArgs)
# Simple Function.
def func(a, b, c, d, e, f, g = 100):
print(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)
# NOTE: '<====' means "this line prints to the screen".
# Example 1.
f = cur(func) # f is a "curried" version of func
c1 = f(1)
c2 = c1(2, d = 4) # Note that c is still unbound
c3 = c2(3)(f = 6)(e = 5) # now c = 3
c3() # () forces the evaluation <====
# it prints "1 2 3 4 5 6 100"
c4 = c2(30)(f = 60)(e = 50) # now c = 30
c4() # () forces the evaluation <====
# it prints "1 2 30 4 50 60 100"
# Example 2.
f = curr(func) # f is a "curried" version of func
# curr = cur with possibly repeated
# keyword args
c1 = f(1, 2)(3, 4)
c2 = c1(e = 5)(f = 6)(e = 10)() # ops... we repeated 'e' because we <====
# changed our mind about it!
# again, () forces the evaluation
# it prints "1 2 3 4 10 6 100"
# Example 3.
f = cur(func, 6) # forces the evaluation after 6 arguments
c1 = f(1, 2, 3) # num args = 3
c2 = c1(4, f = 6) # num args = 5
c3 = c2(5) # num args = 6 ==> evalution <====
# it prints "1 2 3 4 5 6 100"
c4 = c2(5, g = -1) # num args = 7 ==> evaluation <====
# we can specify more than 6 arguments, but
# 6 are enough to force the evaluation
# it prints "1 2 3 4 5 6 -1"
# Example 4.
def printTree(func, level = None):
if level is None:
printTree(cur(func), 0)
elif level == 6:
func(g = '')() # or just func('')()
printTree(func(0), level + 1)
printTree(func(1), level + 1)
def f2(*args):
print(", ".join(["%3d"%(x) for x in args]))
def stress(f, n):
if n: stress(f(n), n - 1)
else: f() # enough is enough
stress(cur(f2), 100)
# Pipelining and Function Composition
print("\n--- Pipelining & Composition ---\n")
import sys
from urllib.request import urlopen
from re import findall
from math import sqrt, floor
from functools import reduce
map = cur(map, 2)
filter = cur(filter, 2)
urlopen = cur(urlopen)
findall = cur(findall)
my_print = cur(lambda list : print(*list))
reduce = cur(reduce, 2)
# Example 5
range(0,50) >> filter(lambda i : i%2) >> map(lambda i : i*i) >> my_print
# Example 6
compFunc = filter(lambda i : i%2) - map(lambda i : i*i)
range(0,50) >> compFunc >> my_print
# Example 7
# Tells whether x is not a proper multiple of n.
notPropMult = cur(lambda n, x : x <= n or x % n, 2)
def findPrimes(upTo):
if (upTo <= 5): return [2, 3, 5]
filterAll = (findPrimes(floor(sqrt(upTo)))
>> map(lambda x : filter(notPropMult(x)))
>> reduce(lambda f, g : f - g))
return list(range(2, upTo + 1)) >> filterAll
findPrimes(1000) >> my_print
# Example 8
# Finds the approximate number of hrefs in a web page.
def do(proc, arg):
return arg
do = cur(do)
cprint = cur(print)
>> do(cprint("The page http://python.org has about... ", end = ''))
>> do(sys.stdout.flush)
>> urlopen
>> cur(lambda x : x.read())
>> findall(b"href=\"")
>> cur(len)
>> cur("{} hrefs.".format)
>> cprint)
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