Programming D. E. Knuth in Python with the Deterministic Finite Automaton construct
Antti J Ylikoski
antti.ylikoski at
Sat Mar 17 12:31:02 EDT 2012
On 17.3.2012 17:47, Roy Smith wrote:
> In article<gR09r.22645$I33.16090 at>,
> Antti J Ylikoski<antti.ylikoski at> wrote:
>> I came across the problem, which would be the clearest way to program
>> such algorithms with a programming language such as Python, which has
>> no GOTO statement. It struck me that the above construction actually
>> is a modified Deterministic Finite Automaton with states A1 -- A5 +
>> [END], transferring to different states, not on read input, but
>> according to conditions in the running program.
>> So one very clear way to program Knuth with Python is the following
>> kind of a construct.
>> continueLoop = 1
>> nextState = "A1"
>> while continueLoop:
>> if nextState == "A1":
>> # (Do the work of Phase A1.)
>> if<zap>:
>> nextState = "A5"
>> elif nextState == "A2":
>> # (Do some work.)
>> if zorp:
>> nextState = "A4"
>> else:
>> nextState = "A3"
>> elif nextState == "A3":
>> # (Some more work.)
>> nextState = "A4"
>> elif nextState == "A4":
>> # (Do something.)
>> if ZZZ:
>> nextState = "A1"
>> else:
>> nextState = "A5"
>> elif nextState == "A5":
>> # (Something more).
>> if foobar:
>> nextState = "A2"
>> else:
>> continueLoop = 0
>> else:
>> error("Impossible -- I quit!\n")
> Oh, my, I can't even begin to get my head around all the nested
> conditionals. And that for a nearly trivial machine with only 5 states.
> Down this path lies madness. Keep in mind that Knuth wrote The Art of
> Computer Programming in the 1960s. The algorithms may still be valid,
> but we've learned a lot about how to write readable programs since then.
> Most people today are walking around with phones that have far more
> compute power than the biggest supercomputers of Knuth's day. We're no
> longer worried about bumming every cycle by writing in assembler.
> When I've done FSMs in Python, I've found the cleanest way is to make
> each state a function. Do something like:
> def a1(input):
> # (Do the work of Phase A1.)
> if<zap>:
> return a5 # goto state a5
> else:
> return a1 # stay in the same state
> # and so on for the other states.
> next_state = a1
> for input in whatever():
> next_state = next_state(input)
> if next_state is None:
> break
> You can adjust that for your needs. Sometimes I have the states return
> a (next_state, output) tuple. You could use a distinguished done()
> state, or just use None for that. I wrote the example above as global
> functions, but more commonly these would be methods of some StateMachine
> class.
Thank you, that is a very good idea to my opinion.
Antti "Andy"
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