numpy (matrix solver) - python vs. matlab
newsboost at
Tue May 1 17:21:19 EDT 2012
On 05/01/2012 10:54 PM, Russ P. wrote:
> On May 1, 11:52 am, someone<newsbo... at> wrote:
>> On 04/30/2012 03:35 AM, Nasser M. Abbasi wrote:
>> What's the limit in matlab (on the condition number of the matrices), by
>> the way, before it comes up with a warning ???
> The threshold of acceptability really depends on the problem you are
> trying to solve. I haven't solved linear equations for a long time,
> but off hand, I would say that a condition number over 10 is
> questionable.
Anyone knows the threshold for Matlab for warning when solving x=A\b ? I
tried "edit slash" but this seems to be internal so I cannot see what
criteria the warning is based upon...
> A high condition number suggests that the selection of independent
> variables for the linear function you are trying to fit is not quite
> right. For a poorly conditioned matrix, your modeling function will be
> very sensitive to measurement noise and other sources of error, if
> applicable. If the condition number is 100, then any input on one
> particular axis gets magnified 100 times more than other inputs.
> Unless your inputs are very precise, that is probably not what you
> want.
> Or something like that.
Ok. So it's like a frequency-response-function, output divided by input...
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