syntax for code blocks
Wed May 2 06:52:50 EDT 2012
On 5/2/2012 4:43, alex23 wrote:
> [Apologies in advance if this comes through twice]
> On May 2, 12:18 am, Kiuhnm<> wrote:
>> "Most Pythonic" doesn't mean better, unfortunately.
> Nor does it mean "Kiuhnm prefers it".
That goes without saying.
>> For instance, assume that you want to write a function that accepts a
>> dictionary of callbacks:
>> func(some_args, callbacks)
>> Pythonic way
>> ------------
>> def when_odd(n):
>> pass
>> def when_prime(n):
>> pass
>> def before_check():
>> pass
>> def after_check():
>> pass
>> func(some_args, {'when_odd' : when_odd,
>> 'when_prime' : when_prime,
>> 'before_check' : before_check,
>> 'after_check' : after_check})
> When would you _ever_ define a function like this? Why are you passing
> in _named_ callbacks? Are you calling them by name? Then declare them
> in the function signature and rely on scoping. Does func() branch on
> existent keys? Then don't write code like that.
> At the very _least_, you could change the function call to:
> func(some_args, locals())
I think that's very bad. It wouldn't be safe either. What about name
clashing and how would you pass only some selected functions?
A second call would also need some cleaning up leading to some serious bugs.
> But as you're _passing them in by name_ why not just make it
> func(some_args) and pick them up out of the scope.
Because that's not clean and maintainable. It's not different from using
global variables.
> _No one_ writes Python code like this. Presenting bad code as
> "pythonic" is a bit of a straw man.
How can I present good code where there's no good way of doing that
without my module or something equivalent?
That was my point.
>> My way
>> ------
>> with func(some_args)<< ':dict':
>> with when_odd as 'n':
>> pass
>> with when_prime as 'n':
>> pass
>> with before_check as '':
>> pass
>> with after_check as '':
>> pass
> This is unintuitive, to say the least. You're effectively replacing
> the common form of function definition with "with when_odd as 'n'",
> then using the surrounding context manager to limit the scope.
What's so unintuitive about it? It's just "different".
> More importantly, _you're naming your "anonymous" code blocks_, I'm
> guessing so that func() can choose which ones to use. But if you're
> naming them, why not just use a function?
I'm creating a dictionary, not naming my blocks just for the sake of it.
If you use a function, you end up with the solution that you called
'bad' and non-pythonic.
> I'm not entirely sure what your 'solution' offers over something like:
> class FOO(object):
> def __init__(self, fn):
> self.fn = fn
> def __enter__(self):
> return self.fn
> def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
> pass
> def func(x, before_check=None, after_check=None, when_odd=None,
> when_prime=None):
> pass
> with FOO(func) as f:
> def before_check(x):
> pass
> def after_check(x):
> pass
> def when_odd(x):
> pass
> def when_prime(x):
> pass
> f(1)
The problem is always the same. Those functions are defined at the
module level so name clashing and many other problems are possible.
I remember a post on this ng when one would create a list of commands
and then use that list as a switch table. My module let you do that very
easily. The syntax is:
with func() << ':list':
with 'arg':
with 'arg':
with '':
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