syntax for code blocks
Prasad, Ramit
ramit.prasad at
Wed May 2 13:20:01 EDT 2012
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> >> Have you actually tried to use these code blocks of yours? I asked you
> >> for a *working* example earlier, and you replied with examples that
> >> failed with multiple NameErrors and no hint as to how to fix them. And
> >> now you give an example that fails with SyntaxError.
> >
> > The examples I gave you work perfectly.
> Except they don't.
> Look, this isn't difficult. I asked for *working* examples, you gave
> examples that give NameError. Some of those errors are easy to fix, e.g.
> by importing the random and re modules. Some of them aren't.
> > It's clear that you don't even
> > have the vaguest idea of how my module works or, otherwise, you'd know
> > what you're doing wrong.
> Well duh. What module? Where do I find it?
[snip part deux]
> Whatever man. It's no skin off my nose. I've tried really hard to give
> your proposal a fair go, but my care factor is rapidly running out if you
> can't even be bothered to ensure your examples use legal Python syntax.
I think the crucial link that was provided in another thread (and
should have been included in a new thread on the same project) is
The only example I see on that page (for running from module) that
looks fully complete is:
import codeblocks
def each(iterable, block):
for e in iterable:
block(e) # step into -> 6:
with each(range(0, 10)) << 'x':
print('element ' + str(x))
I have not tried this (or any) example. To me it seems like an
overly complicated way to avoid creating a function def. Especially
since it creates a function anyway (whether anonymous or named).
Ramit Prasad | JPMorgan Chase Investment Bank | Currencies Technology
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