Open Source: you're doing it wrong - the Pyjamas hijack
anthony at
anthony at
Wed May 9 07:02:03 EDT 2012
On Tuesday, May 8, 2012 4:10:13 AM UTC-5, james hedley wrote:
> Agreed with pretty much all of that. It's third-world politics, lurching from one dictator to another. Risinger seems to have banned all discussion of the subject from the list too, I'm not posting anymore because I don't want to give him an excuse to wield his newly found banhammer.
hello James,
i'm not really sure what you're referring too ... you appear to be making these things up. i have not banned anything, or even alluded to it, whatsoever. i asked that one specific mail not be commented upon, as a request; perhaps this is the dreaded bannhammer you speak of?
reading your accounts strewn about is interesting, what exactly are *your* motives? a simple curiosity, nothing more.
your comparison to gov'ts is pretty skewed i would say, you know this as well as i. regardless of what you think or know of me, i have a permanent track record of being pretty fair and receptive to virtually anything, and am involved in a wide range of projects. Luke is a talented developer, there is no doubt of this, but he is one of the most socially inept persons i have ever encountered. leading your users to statements such as this:!searchin/pyjamas-dev/credo/pyjamas-dev/xzp4CCWhJN4/nQ3-emtYFVgJ
... dozens of times on several occasions, is truly incredible. other such behavior, eg. being the only person in the history of the webkit project to ever be *ejected* from contributing or communicating *at all*, is further testament to the deficiencies provoking this maneuver.
however, i have no interest in comparing or being compared. go read my notes again; i have a high level of respect for Luke in many capacities, and this has not changed.
lets make one thing perfectly clear; you are not the only one who cares of this project or wishes it to succeed. mistakes were made. problems were had. the decisions however, stands.
> But yeah, a lot of the commentary from the pro-rebel side ( not that any of them admit they had anything to do with it ) really does come across as being ill-informed and childish.
indeed, you have witnessed little chatter. however, barring your belief of such, i had received dozens of notes thanking me and attesting to a renewed impetus for action. the original goal was to purchase a domain and fork -- i made this very clear in my notes -- ``. however, the most respectable member of the commit IMO convinced me otherwise. names names, yes you want names? sorry :-(. alas, he, myself, and numerous others are still active and moving forward. the list is actually approaching 100 ... not the "4-5" you so graciously quoted. i am simply the point man willing to stand the flurry.
likewise, i did not "convince" the domain holder to give me the domain. not only was he already aware prior to me approaching him -- list member, passive -- he was more that willing to assist in reinstating the projects foundations and direction. he *was* the person who "left Luke in charge" ... why do you think he was the owner? as far as im concerned, the domain was already "hijacked"; this was, in good faith, intended as remedy.
this was not a easy or light decision, the dissonance exists to this day. the idea was to retain Luke, but he decided to play legal threats as the first card (which i'm afraid can only backfire), before he even knew of the domain changes. hge is not a victim here, nor is anyone else. so please, show some cognitive capacity by realizing this is not as black-and-white as you's like it to be.
when you decide to include yourself -- sooner, or later -- you are more than welcome.
@alex23 ... try reading a bit further. as a human i am subject to annoyance and frustration. i probably shouldn't have started the message in that manner, but the absurdity and absolute inaccurate statements being made were rather upsetting. you will note that i make it perfectly clear that Luke is a fantastic developer, and a great part of the team. this of course has neither waned nor faltered.
i encourage anyone willing to take the time to consult the archives, pyjamas' and elsewhere, as they are the only path to proper answers. this will impact the project in both known and untold ways, but we have a great number of minds willing to push beyond.
C Anthony
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