strptime format string nasty default
Javier Novoa C.
jstitch at
Wed May 9 15:38:31 EDT 2012
I am using time.strptime method as follows:
I receive an input string, representing some date in the following
However, the day part may be a single digit or two, depending on
For example:
'10052012' will be parsed as day 10, month 5, year 2012
'8052012' will be parsed as day 8, month 5, year 2012
What happens when day is 1 or 2?
'1052012' will be parsed as day 10, month 5, year 2012 !!!!
That's not the expected behaviour! Not for me at least. I mean, in my
case, month will always be a 2 digit string, so there's no ambiguity
problem by pretending that... say '1052012' is correctly parsed.
Is there a way out of here? I know I can pre-parse the string and
append a '0' to it when lenght == 7, but I think that a better way
would be if strptime allowed me to define my format in a better
way... To say that the month is the optional one-two digit part is
just a default, isn't it? Why can't I specify that the day part is the
one with one-or-two digits on the input string...?
Or is there a way out that I don't know yet?
Javier Novoa C.
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