Finding the line number of an 'else' statement via ast
Mark Lawrence
breamoreboy at
Fri May 11 06:43:55 EDT 2012
On 11/05/2012 05:35, Michael Rene Armida wrote:
> Given this source:
> def do_something(val):
> if val:
> return 'a'
> else:
> return 'b'
> How do I get the line number of the "else:" line, using the ast
> module? The grammar only includes the 'orelse' list:
> If(expr test, stmt* body, stmt* orelse)
> ...but 'orelse' is the list of statements under the 'else' token, not
> a node representing the token itself.
> I have a suspicion that this isn't possible, and shouldn't be, and the
> giveaway word above was "token." Because the tokens themselves aren't
> part of the abstract syntax tree.
> Here's an interactive session showing me poking around the If node:
>>>> import ast
>>>> tree = ast.parse('''
> ... if True:
> ... pass
> ... else:
> ... pass
> ... ''')
>>>> tree.body[0].orelse
> [<_ast.Pass object at 0x7f1301319390>]
>>>> tree.body[0]._fields
> ('test', 'body', 'orelse')
>>>> for i in ast.iter_child_nodes(tree.body[0]):
> ... print i.__class__.__name__
> ...
> Name
> Pass
> Pass
> Is my suspicion correct? Or is there a way to get the line number of
> that 'else:'?
Get the line number of the first pass and add one?
Mark Lawrence.
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