Working with dates : complex problem
Peter Otten
__peter__ at
Thu May 24 05:04:55 EDT 2012
Thibaut DIRLIK wrote:
> Hi,
> I've a list of python objects with dates attributes. This list is ordered
> by one of these date. Elements mandatory follow each other :
> Element #1 Element #2 Element #3
> |-------------------------|--------------|--------------------------|
> Now, I want to "insert" an element in this timeline. This imply that I
> will have to resize some elements :
> Element #1 Element #2 Element #3
> |-------------------------|--------------|--------------------------|
> New element
> |----------------------|
> And after resize :
> Element #1 New element Element #2 Element #3
> |---------|----------------------|---------|--------------------------|
> |----------------------|
> My question is the following : how can I know (easily) which elements my
> "New element" is "over", which,
> in my example would have returned ['Element #1', 'Element #2'].
> Elements objets are simple Python objects with dates :
> obj.begin = datetime()
> obj.end = datetime()
> I'm looking for the more Pythonic way to handle this problem, thanks !
def insert(timeline, interval):
keys = [item.begin for item in timeline]
where = bisect.bisect(keys, interval.begin)
if where > 0:
# adjust previous interval to avoid a gap or an intersection
timeline[where-1].end = interval.begin
# remove intervals covered by the new interval
while where < len(timeline) and timeline[where].end < interval.end:
del timeline[where]
if where < len(timeline):
# adjust subsequent interval to avoid gap or intersection
timeline[where].begin = interval.end
timeline.insert(where, interval)
If you implement comparison for your interval type you won't need the
intermediate keys list. The functools.total_ordering decorator may help you
with that.
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