Proposal about naming conventions around packaging
Tarek Ziadé
tarek at
Wed May 30 17:10:52 EDT 2012
On 5/30/12 6:59 PM, Benoît Bryon wrote:
> Hi,
Hi Benoit
you should post this to the distutils SIG
Thank you
> Here is a proposal about naming conventions around
> packaging.
> Main question is: would you accept it as a PEP?
> ############################################
> Preliminary notes (not part of the proposal)
> ############################################
> Before I start, here are some preliminary notes about the
> context...
> *********
> Situation
> *********
> * first posted to distutils-sig list:
> * then opened a ticket on CPython issue tracker:
> * started to work in a fork...
> * ... but this looks like a PEP. So, let's follow PEP 1
> and post a proposal here.
> ***********************
> What follows is a draft
> ***********************
> * First of all, I promise I did my best ;)
> * I guess most points already have been discussed here or
> elsewhere. But since I couldn't find an official
> reference (i.e. a refused PEP), I believe consensus is
> possible.
> * I splitted proposals in small sections, so
> that people can discuss or refuse some items while
> accepting others. If you see something that is not
> atomic, please propose a split.
> * I tried to relate facts. But I feel like a newbie about
> some points, so, if you see something wrong or
> incomplete, please send information and/or sources.
> * I tried to propose actions and take existing projects into
> account. In my humble opinion, motivations and proposals
> below seem reasonable enough. That's why I am posting
> here to get feedback from the community.
> * Finally, I am not a native english speaker... feel free
> to improve vocabulary, grammar and so on :)
> That said, let's go...
> .. note::
> You can also get the following proposal online at
> Thanks to Martin Aspeli for his article.
> Thanks to early reviewers: Alexis Métaireau, Éric Bréhault,
> Jean-Philippe Camguilhem and Mathieu Leplâtre.
> Regards,
> Benoit
> ###########################################
> Names in packaging: conventions and recipes
> ###########################################
> This document deals with:
> * names of Python projects,
> * names of distributions in projects,
> * names of Python packages or modules being distributed,
> * namespace packages.
> It provides conventions and recipes for distribution authors.
> Main use case is:
> * as a developer, I want to create a project in order to distribute a
> package.
> So I have to choose names. Which names are "good"?
> * `The Zen of Python`_ says:
> In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.
> There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.
> * So I need clear and official (i.e. obvious) guidelines or
> conventions that I
> can follow.
> * Here are conventions, guidelines and recipes.
> Guidelines for existing projects are also given.
> ***********
> Terminology
> ***********
> First of all, let's make sure there is no confusion...
> Distribution name
> Distribution name is used by packaging utilities:
> * in :doc:`setup script</packaging/setupscript>`, it is the value
> passed as
> ``name`` to ``packaging.core.setup()``
> * it appears on `PyPI`_ if the package is registered on it
> * it can be used in `pip` requirements files
> * it can be used in `buildout` configuration files.
> Distribution term is introduced in :doc:`packaging
> docs</packaging/index>`.
> Egg name
> It is the same concept as distribution name. Technically, the egg is
> not the
> distribution. But they use the same name: it is declared as
> ``packaging.core.setup()`` name argument.
> "Egg" term is the legacy counterpart to "distribution". It was used by
> distutils and setuptools. It becomes deprecated with the new packaging
> module.
> This document focuses on distributions, not eggs.
> Package and module names
> Package and module names are used in Python code. It is the string
> used in
> :ref:`import statements<import>`.
> Remember that, from a file system perspective, packages are
> directories and
> modules are files.
> :ref:`Python packaging allows distributions to distribute several
> packages
> and/or modules<setupcfg-section-files>`.
> Project name
> Usually the name of the repository or folder in which distribution
> authors put
> their code. It generally is the directory name of the "distribution
> root",
> as defined in :ref:`packaging-term`.
> Namespace packages
> It is common practice to use namespaces in package names. `PEP 420`_
> brings
> this concept to core Python. When PEP 420 will be accepted, Python
> officially
> supports namespace packages.
> As an example, consider `django-debug-toolbar`_:
> * ``django-debug-toolbar`` is the distribution name. `It is declared in
> file
> <>`_.
> * ``debug_toolbar`` is the package name. It is what would appear in
> Django's
> INSTALLED_APPS setting or be used as ``import debug_toolbar``.
> Technically, all those names can be different.
> *********
> Rationale
> *********
> Relationship with other PEPs
> ============================
> * `PEP 8`_ deals with code style guide, including names of Python
> packages and
> modules. It covers syntax of package/modules names.
> * `PEP 345`_ deals with packaging metadata, and defines distribution
> name.
> * `PEP 420`_ deals with namespace packages. It brings support of
> namespace
> packages to Python core. Before, namespaces packages were
> implemented by
> external libraries.
> * `PEP 3108`_ deals with transition between Python 2.x and Python 3.x
> applied
> to standard library: some modules to be deleted, some to be renamed.
> Other sources of inspiration
> ============================
> * `Martin Aspeli's article about names`_. Some parts of this proposal are
> quotes from this article.
> * `The Hitchhiker's Guide to Packaging`_, which has an empty placeholder
> for "naming specification".
> * and, of course, `in development official packaging documentation`_.
> Facts
> =====
> Before Python version 3.3, there is no official guidelines to name
> projects,
> distributions or packages/modules.
> Current PEPs (see `Relationship with other PEPs`_) are very open on
> this topic.
> Distribution authors have to follow their own intuition.
> Several standards emerged from communities. As examples:
> * `Plone`_ community uses "plone.*" namespace for official Plone
> products, and
> "collective.*" for community products. This is a convention explicitely
> promoted by Plone community.
> `Martin Aspeli's article about names`_ is about conventions and
> usages in
> Plone community.
> .. note:: Is there an official document about these conventions? A
> * most `Django`_ applications from community use "django-\*" pattern as
> distribution name. This is a de facto standard.
> * many `Pyramid`_ applications from community use "pyramid_*" pattern as
> distribution name.
> Thus, as `PyPI`_ testifies, distribution names and package/module
> names are
> really heterogeneous.
> Impacts
> =======
> Here are points this document tries to resolve.
> Ambiguity
> ---------
> When distribution authors come to choose a name, they can't find an
> unique
> official guideline.
> In such a situation, "Now is better than never" wins over "Refuse
> temptation
> to guess".
> So distribution authors follow one of the conventions they discovered
> (usually
> the one from their community), or follow their own intuition.
> Confusion
> ---------
> As explained in `terminology`_ above, project, distribution and
> package names
> can be assigned distinct values. That is a big source of confusion,
> especially
> for Python developers who are not used to packaging.
> Time loss
> ---------
> As a direct consequence of `ambiguity`_ and `confusion`_, new Python
> developers
> spend too much time to understand Python
> projects/distributions/packages names:
> * they can't find obvious (i.e. official) naming conventions (or at least
> guidelines) even if they search for it. They have to ask community
> to resolve
> the `ambiguity`_.
> * it's hard to resolve the `confusion`_ between names. It's even
> harder because
> community itself is a bit confused. Their best chance is to find one
> of the
> `Other sources of inspiration`_ listed above or ask a well informed
> person.
> * developers from some other languages suppose Python have official
> naming
> conventions for distributions and packages. So they search for it,
> and feel
> worried when they figure out that it doesn't exist.
> Experienced Python users are less affected: they built their opinion
> in the
> past and keep on following their habits.
> Community partitionning
> -----------------------
> The global Python community is partitionned into opposed sub-communities:
> * most Python developers are linked to at least one community (i.e. Zope,
> Plone, Pyramid, Django...).
> * communities usually resolved naming conventions with official documents
> or with de facto usage.
> * developers usually follow their community's standards.
> * developers usually believe their community made the best choice.
> They usually
> adhere to community arguments.
> * choices and reasons differ from one community to another.
> * when Python communities meet, package names are a never-ending topic of
> discussion.
> * people discuss about package names when they should work together on
> more
> valuable stories.
> * they can't settle the issue, because:
> * arguments have historical reasons. In history, these reasons were
> enough.
> * accepting someone else's arguments means changing habits, and maybe
> re-packaging existing projects, i.e. efforts and time.
> * there is no guidelines from an higher authorithy (i.e.
> There
> is no comparison standard. Both choices are legitimate.
> An additional note about developers who belong to several communities:
> * they usually adhere to the naming conventions from one community,
> * it's hard to adopt another convention when contributing in another
> community.
> Proposal
> ========
> As `The Zen of Python`_ says: "There should be one-- and preferably
> only one
> --obvious way to do it."
> So the proposal is:
> * adopt strict conventions where Python community finds a consensus,
> * provide guidelines or recipes for what cannot be covered by
> conventions.
> What about existing projects?
> =============================
> It's impossible to **require** a change for every existing project,
> for obvious
> reasons.
> But it is possible to first **document** existing naming conventions,
> then
> **promote** a change.
> This document proposes two things:
> * a status on current existing naming conventions, inside each project or
> community. So that custom naming conventions are at least
> self-documented.
> See `Organize community contributions`_ for details.
> * a `Transition plan`_ for those who are ready to migrate.
> .. _`packagenames-opportunity`:
> Opportunity
> ===========
> As of Python 3.3 being developed:
> * many projects are not Python 3.x compatible. It includes "big"
> products or
> frameworks. It means that many projects will have to do a migration to
> support Python 3.x.
> * packaging (aka distutils2) is on the starting blocks. When it is
> released,
> projects will be invited to migrate and use new packaging.
> * `PEP 420`_ brings official support of namespace packages to Python.
> It means that most active projects should be about to migrate in the next
> year(s) to support Python 3.x, new packaging or new namespace packages.
> Such an opportunity is unique and won't come again soon!
> So let's introduce and promote naming conventions as soon as possible
> (i.e.
> **now**).
> ***************
> Transition plan
> ***************
> New distributions
> =================
> In order of priority:
> 1. If the project belongs to a community (i.e. product/framework),
> **and** the
> community have official conventions, then follow community
> conventions.
> .. note::
> :ref:`Communities SHOULD organize contributions
> <packagenames-organizecommunities>`.
> As an example new community project related to Plone should be
> distributed
> as "collective.*", because it is an explicit standard of the Plone
> community.
> 2. New projects SHOULD follow `Conventions`_ described in this document.
> Existing projects
> =================
> **There is no obligation for existing distributions to be renamed**.
> The choice
> is left to distribution authors and mainteners for obvious reasons.
> However, distribution authors are invited to `promote migrations`_.
> In order to rename an existing distribution, follow `Renaming howto`_
> guidelines below.
> Promote migrations
> ==================
> Every Python developer should migrate whenever possible, or promote the
> migrations in their respective communities.
> Apply this convention on your projects, then the community will see it is
> safe.
> In particular, "leaders" such as authors of popular projects are
> influential,
> they have power and, thus, responsability over communities.
> Apply this conventions on popular projects, then communities will
> adopt the
> conventions too.
> **Popular projects SHOULD promote migrations when they release a new
> (major)
> version**, particularly :ref:`if this version introduces support for
> Python
> 3.x, new standard library's packaging or namespace packages
> <packagenames-opportunity>`.
> .. note::
> On the contrary, if popular projects refuse the conventions,
> communities
> may not adopt the conventions.
> Improved handling of renamed distributions on PyPI
> ==================================================
> If many projects follow `Renaming howto`_, many legacy distributions
> will have
> the following characteristics:
> * ``Development Status :: 7 - Inactive`` classifier.
> * latest version is empty, except packaging stuff.
> * lastest version "redirects" to another distribution. E.g. it has a
> single
> dependency on the renamed distribution.
> * referenced as ``Obsoletes-Dist`` in a newer distribution.
> So it will be possible to detect renamed distributions and improve
> readability
> on PyPI. So that users can focus on active distributions. But this
> feature is
> not required now. There is no urge. It won't be covered in this document.
> ***********
> Conventions
> ***********
> Rules that you SHOULD follow.
> If in doubt, ask
> ================
> If you feel unsure after reading the following conventions, ask `Python
> community`_ on IRC or on a mailing list.
> Use a single name
> =================
> Distribute only one package (or only one module) in a distribution,
> and use
> package (or module) name as project name and distribution name.
> * It avoids possible confusion between all those names.
> * It makes the name consistent.
> * It is explicit: when one sees distribution name, he guesses package
> name, and
> vice versa.
> * It also limits implicit clashes between package/module names.
> By using a single name, when you register a name to PyPI, you also
> perform a
> basic package/module name availability verification.
> As an example, `pipeline`_, `python-pipeline`_ and
> `django-pipeline`_ all
> distribute a package or module called "pipeline". So installing two
> of them
> leads to errors.
> Yes:
> * Package name: "kheops.pyramid",
> i.e. ``import kheops.pyramid``
> * distribution name: "kheops.pyramid",
> i.e. ``pip install kheops.pyramid``
> * Project name: "kheops.pyramid",
> i.e. ``git clone git at``
> No:
> * Package name: "kheops"
> * Distribution name: "kheops-pyramid"
> * Project name: "KheopsPyramid"
> .. note::
> For historical reasons, on `PyPI`_, you can find many distributions
> using
> different values for project, distribution and package/module name.
> Multiple packages/modules should be rare
> ----------------------------------------
> Technically, Python distributions can provide multiple packages and/or
> modules.
> See :ref:`setup script reference<packaging-setup-script>` for details.
> Some distributions actually does.
> As an example, `setuptools`_ and `distribute`_ are both declaring
> "pkg_resources", "easy_install" and "site" modules in addition to
> respective
> "setuptools" and "distribute" packages.
> Consider this use case as exceptional. In most cases, you don't need this
> feature. So a distribution should provide only one package or module
> at a time.
> Explicit distinct names should be rare
> --------------------------------------
> A notable exception to the "Use a single name" rule is when you
> explicitely
> need distinct names.
> As an example, the `Pillow`_ distribution is an alternative to the
> original
> `PIL`_ distribution. They both provide a "PIL" package.
> Consider this use case as exceptional. In most cases, you don't need this
> feature. So a distributed package name should be equal to distribution
> name.
> Follow PEP 8 for package names syntax
> =====================================
> `PEP 8`_ applies to Python package and module names.
> If you `Use a single name`_, `PEP 8`_ also applies to project and
> distribution
> names. The exceptions are namespace packages, where dots are required
> in the
> name.
> Pick meaningful names
> =====================
> Ask yourself "how would I describe in one sentence what this name is
> for?", and
> then "could anyone have guessed that by looking at the name?".
> When you are using namespaces, make sure each part is meaningful.
> .. _`packagenames-ownership`:
> Top level namespace relates to code ownership
> =============================================
> This helps avoid clashes between distribution names.
> Ownership could be:
> * an individual.
> Example: `gp.fileupload`_ is owned and maintained by Gael Pasgrimaud.
> * an organization.
> Examples:
> * `zest.releaser`_ is owned and maintained by Zest Software.
> * `Django`_ is owned and maintained by the Django Software Fundation.
> * a group or community.
> Example: `sphinx`_ is maintained by developers of the Sphinx
> project, not
> only by its author, Georg Brandl.
> * a group or community related to another package.
> Example: `collective.recaptcha`_ is owned by its author: David Glick,
> Groundwire. But the "collective" namespace is owned by Plone community.
> Respect ownership
> -----------------
> Understand the purpose of namespace before you use it.
> **DO NOT** plug into a namespace you don't own, unless explicitely
> authorized.
> `If in doubt, ask`_.
> As an example, **DO NOT** use "django.contrib" namespace: it is
> managed by
> Django's core contributors.
> Exceptions CAN be defined by distribution authors. See `Organize
> community
> contributions`_ below.
> Private (including closed-source) distributions use a namespace
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> ... because private distributions are owned by somebody. So apply the
> :ref:`ownership rule<packagenames-ownership>`.
> For internal/customer projects, use your company name as the namespace.
> This rule applies to closed-source distributions.
> As an example, if you are creating a "climbing" distribution for the
> "Python
> Sport" company: use "pythonsport.climbing" name, even if it is closed
> source.
> Individual projects use a namespace
> -----------------------------------
> ... because they are owned by individuals. So apply the
> :ref:`ownership rule
> <packagenames-ownership>`.
> There is no shame in releasing a distribution as open source even if
> it has an
> "internal" name.
> If the project comes to a point where the author wants to change
> ownership
> (i.e. the project no longer belongs to an individual), keep in mind
> :ref:`it is
> easy to rename the project<packagenames-rename>`.
> Independant community Python projects CAN avoid namespaces
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> If your project is generic enough (i.e. it is not a contrib to another
> product
> or framework), you CAN avoid namespaces. The base condition is
> generally that
> your project is owned by a group (i.e. the development team) which is
> dedicated
> to this project.
> Only use a "shared" namespace if you really intend the code to be
> community
> owned.
> As an example, `sphinx`_ project belongs to the Sphinx development team.
> In doubt, use an individual/organization namespace
> --------------------------------------------------
> If your project is not mature or hasn't been proven useful to a
> community,
> best choice is to use an individual or organization namespace.
> It allows distribution authors to release projects early.
> And it doesn't block future changes. When a project becomes mature,
> and if it
> appears there is no reason to keep individual ownership, :ref:`it remains
> possible to rename the project<packagenames-rename>`.
> Avoid deep nesting
> ==================
> `The Zen of Python`_ says:
> Flat is better than nested.
> Two levels is almost always enough
> ----------------------------------
> Don't define everything in deeply nested hierarchies: you will end up
> with
> distributions and packages like "pythonsport.common.maps.forest". This
> type
> of name is both verbose and cumbersome (e.g. if you have many imports
> from the
> package).
> Furthermore, big hierarchies tend to break down over time as the
> boundaries
> between different packages blur.
> The consensus is that two levels of nesting are preferred.
> Yes: "pyranha"
> Yes: "pythonsport.climbing"
> Yes: "pythonsport.forestmap"
> No: "pythonsport.maps.forest"
> .. _`packagenames-othermetadata`:
> Limited namespace levels, unlimited metadata
> --------------------------------------------
> Consider distribution names (with or without namespaces) as unique
> identifiers
> on PyPI.
> It is important that these identifiers remain human-readable.
> It is even better when these identifiers are meaningful.
> But their primary purpose is not to classify or describe distributions.
> As examples, if you only look at the name:
> * you can't guess "nose" is about testing,
> * or "celery" about distributed task queueing,
> * or that "lettuce" is about tests, and has nothing in common with
> "celery".
> The examples above are not problematic.
> **`Classifiers`_ and keywords metadata are made for categorization of
> distributions.**
> As an example, there is a "Framework :: TurboGears" classifier. Even
> if names
> are quite heterogeneous (they don't follow a pattern like collective.*
> for
> Plone community projects), we get the list.
> In order to `Organize community contributions`_, conventions about
> names and
> namespaces matter, but conventions about metadata should be even more
> important.
> As an example, we can find Plone portlets in many places:
> * plone.portlet.*
> * collective.portlet.*
> * collective.portlets.*
> * collective.*.portlets
> * some vendor-related distributions such as "quintagroup.portlet.cumulus"
> * and even distributions where "portlet" pattern doesn't appear...
> Even if Plone community has conventions, using the name to categorize
> distributions is inapropriate. It's impossible to get the full list of
> distributions that provide portlets for Plone by filtering on names.
> But it would be possible if all these distributions used "Framework ::
> Plone"
> classifier and "portlet" keyword.
> Do you really need 3 levels?
> ----------------------------
> For example, we have ``plone.principalsource`` instead of
> ``plone.source.principal`` or something like that. The name is
> shorter, the
> package structure is simpler, and there would be very little to gain from
> having three levels of nesting here. It would be impractical to try to
> put all
> "core Plone" sources (a source is kind of vocabulary) into the
> ``plone.source.*`` namespace, in part because some sources are part of
> other
> packages, and in part because sources already exist in other places.
> Had we
> made a new namespace, it would be inconsistently used from the start.
> 3 levels are also tempting when:
> * you are pluging into a community namespace, such as "collective".
> * and you want to add a more restrictive "ownership" level, to avoid
> clashes
> inside the community.
> In such a case, you'd better use the most restrictive ownership level
> as first
> level.
> As an example, where "collective" is a major community namespace that
> "gergovie" belongs to, and "vercingetorix" it the name of "gergovie"
> author:
> No: "collective.vercingetorix.gergovie"
> Yes: "vercingetorix.collectivegergovie"
> 3 levels are supported for historical reasons
> ---------------------------------------------
> Even if not recommended, 3 levels are supported. This is mainly for
> historical
> reasons: 3 levels can be accepted where top level namespace owner
> explicitely
> allows it with a specific convention. See `Organize community
> contributions`_
> for details.
> Don't use more than 3 levels
> ----------------------------
> * 1 or 2 levels are recommended.
> * 3 levels are discouraged, but supported for historical reasons.
> * you shouldn't need more than 3 levels.
> .. note::
> Even communities where namespaces are standard don't use more than
> 3 levels.
> .. _`packagenames-organizecommunities`:
> Organize community contributions
> ================================
> Actions:
> * Choose a naming convention for community contributions.
> * If it is not :ref:`the default<packagenames-contribnamespace>`,
> document it.
> * if you use the :ref:`default
> convention<packagenames-contribnamespace>`,
> this document should be enough. Don't reapeat it. You MAY
> reference it.
> * else, tell users about custom conventions in project's
> "contribute" or
> "create modules" documentation.
> * Also recommend the use of additional metadata, such as
> :ref:`classifiers and
> keywords<packagenames-othermetadata>`.
> About convention choices:
> * New projects SHOULD choose the default scheme.
> * Existing projects with community contributions CAN start with custom
> conventions. Then they SHOULD `Promote migrations`_.
> It means that existing community conventions doesn't need to be
> changed.
> But they need to be explicitely documented: first state about
> current naming
> conventions, then about future.
> Example: "pyranha" is your project name, distribution name and package
> name.
> Tell contributors that:
> * pyranha-related distributions should use the "pyranha" keyword
> * pyranha distributions providing templates should also use "templates"
> keyword.
> * community contributions should be released under "pyranhacontrib"
> namespace
> (i.e. use "pyranhacontrib.*" pattern):
> .. _`packagenames-contribnamespace`:
> Community contributions SHOULD use "${DIST}contrib.*" pattern
> ================================================================
> The idea is to use a standard pattern to store community contributions
> for any
> product or framework.
> It is the simplest way to `Organize community contributions`_: the
> obvious way
> to go is "${DIST}contrib", no ambiguity.
> As an example:
> * you are the author of "pyranha" project. You own the "pyranha"
> namespace.
> * a third-party developer wants to publish a "giantteeth" project
> related to
> your "pyranha" project. He can publish it as
> "pyranhacontrib.giantteeth".
> .. note::
> Why ``${DIST}contrib.*`` pattern?
> * ``${DIST}c.*`` is not explicit enough. As examples, "zc" belongs to
> "Zope Corporation" whereas "z3c" belongs to "Zope 3 community".
> * ``${DIST}community`` is too long.
> * ``${DIST}community`` conflicts with existing namespaces such as
> "iccommunity" or "PyCommunity".
> * ``${DIST}.contrib`` is inside ${DIST} namespace, i.e. it is owned by
> ${DIST} authors. It breaks the `Top level namespace relates to code
> ownership`_.
> * ``${DIST}.contrib.*`` breaks the `Avoid deep nesting`_ rule.
> * names where ``${DIST}`` doesn't appear are not explicit enough, i.e.
> nobody can guess they are related to ``${DIST}``.
> * ``{$DIST}contrib.*`` may conflict with existing ``sphinxcontrib-*``
> packages. But ``sphinxcontrib-*`` is actually about Sphinx
> contrib, so
> this is not a real conflict... In fact, the "contrib" suffix was
> inspired
> by "sphinxcontrib".
> *******
> Recipes
> *******
> How to avoid duplicate names
> ============================
> Before you choose a distribution name, make sure it hasn't already been
> registered in the following locations:
> * `PyPI`_
> * Popular code repositories such as:
> * `Github`_
> * `Bitbucket`_
> * `Gitorious`_
> * ``_
> .. note:: A web service would be welcome for this!
> Also make sure the package name hasn't already been registered:
> * in the `Python Standard Library`_,
> * in the locations where you checked for distribution name availability.
> .. _`packagenames-rename`:
> Renaming howto
> ==============
> Renaming a project is possible, but keep in mind that it will cause some
> confusions. So, pay particular attention to README and documentation,
> so that
> users understand what happened.
> #. First of all, **do not remove legacy distribution from PyPI**.
> Because some
> users may be using it.
> #. Copy the legacy project, then change names (project, distribution and
> package/module). Pay attention to, at least:
> * packaging files,
> * folder name that contains source files,
> * documentation, including README,
> * import statements in code.
> #. Assign ``Obsoletes-Dist`` metadata to new distribution in setup.cfg
> file.
> See `PEP 345 about Obsolete-Dist`_ and :ref:`setup.cfg specification
> <setupcfg-spec>`.
> #. Release the renamed distribution as a new version, then publish it.
> #. Edit legacy distribution:
> * add dependency to new distribution,
> * drop everything except packaging stuff,
> * add the ``Development Status :: 7 - Inactive`` classifier in
> setup script,
> * publish a new release.
> So, users of the legacy package:
> * can continue using the legacy distribution at a deprecated version,
> * can upgrade to last version of legacy distribution, which is empty, ...
> * ... and automatically download new distribution as a dependency of
> the legacy
> one.
> Users who discover the legacy distribution see it is inactive.
> **********
> References
> **********
> .. target-notes::
> .. _`Martin Aspeli's article about names`:
> .. _`PEP 1`:
> .. _`The Zen of Python`:
> .. _`PEP 8`:
> .. _`PEP 345`:
> .. _`PEP 420`:
> .. _`PEP 3108`:
> .. _`The Hitchhiker's Guide to Packaging`:
> .. _`in development official packaging documentation`:
> .. _`plone`:
> .. _`django`:
> .. _`pyramid`:
> .. _`pypi`:
> .. _`django-debug-toolbar`:
> .. _`gp.fileupload`:
> .. _`zest.releaser`:
> .. _`sphinx`:
> .. _`Classifiers`:
> .. _`collective.recaptcha`:
> .. _`Python community`:
> .. _`pipeline`:
> .. _`python-pipeline`:
> .. _`django-pipeline`:
> .. _`setuptools`:
> .. _`distribute`:
> .. _`Pillow`:
> .. _`PIL`:
> .. _`Python Standard Library`:
> .. _`github`:
> .. _`bitbucket`:
> .. _`gitorious`:
> .. _``:
> .. _`PEP 345 about Obsolete-Dist`:
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