10 sec poll - please reply!

Michael Herrmann michael.herrmann at getautoma.com
Tue Nov 20 10:18:42 EST 2012

Thanks again for your further replies. So far, it's 4 votes for 'send_keys' and 1 vote for 'type'. 

Regarding 'send_keys': To me personally it makes sense to send keys _to_ something. However, in our API, send_keys would not be called on an object or with a parameter indicating the target. It would just be

send_keys("Hello World!")
send_keys(CTRL + 'a')

Does that change your preference for 'send_keys'?

Thanks a lot!!!

On Tuesday, November 20, 2012 1:18:38 PM UTC+1, Michael Herrmann wrote:
> Hi, 
> I'm developing a GUI Automation library (http://www.getautoma.com) and am having difficulty picking a name for the function that simulates key strokes. I currently have it as 'type' but that clashes with the built-in function. Example uses of 'type': 
> type(ENTER)
> type("Hello World!")
> type(CTRL + 'a')
> What, in your view, would be the most intuitive alternative name?
> Here are my thoughts so far: I could call it 'press' but then our GUI automation tool also allows you to click things and then "press" might be mistaken for "pressing a button". A less ambiguous alternative is "type_keys" but that is rather long and doesn't read as well, for instance in type_keys(ENTER).
> Thank you very much!

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