OT Questions

Joshua Landau joshua.landau.ws at gmail.com
Sun Oct 28 12:15:31 EDT 2012

On 16 October 2012 18:23, Ian Kelly <ian.g.kelly at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 9:21 AM, Demian Brecht <demianbrecht at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > There's a small light somewhere deep down that says maybe this is just
> > someone quite misdirected. A brief search shows that he has multiple
> > domains, all with the same type of design. I would be hard pressed to
> think
> > that someone would go to that extent just to troll a list.
> >
> > Meh, maybe it's my good nature :P
> My theory for a while now has been that Mr. Hutto is probably an
> enterprising teenager.  His desire to build a web development company
> is sincere and should be encouraged, but his lack of experience is
> readily apparent, as is his rather crude behavior on list.

I feel necessity  to argue against this point.

It is a common thing to stereotype teens in this way - but, being teen
myself, I feel one should try to avoid it. It's painful to watch every time
someone claims "he can't be a teenager - his spelling/grammar is too good"
or any derivation of it, as with the inverse concept that the uneducated
are always teenagers.

i have techers who type lke this, and I have teachers who type
very professionally.
I have peers of my age group who meticulously craft
their online conversations, n i no BFFs who dun b like that.

How someone speaks on the internet seems to me proportional almost entirely
to their intelligence*, not to their wisdom. Sure, there is an age where
one, no matter how bright, will speak like trash, but this normally
coincides with an inability to speak well, too. Most older teenagers have
as good a grasp on language as they will ever learn, so it hardly applies
to them.

* Note that I speak not of IQ or problem-solving ability, but more of a
general social intelligence that can be seen in almost any poster on this
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