subprocess call is not waiting.
andrea crotti
andrea.crotti.0 at
Wed Sep 19 12:34:58 EDT 2012
2012/9/19 Hans Mulder <hansmu at>:
> Yes: using "top" is an observation problem.
> "Top", as the name suggests, shows only the most active processes.
Sure but "ls -lR /" is a very active process if you try to run it..
Anyway as written below I don't need this anymore.
> It's quite possible that your 'ls' process is not active, because
> it's waiting for your Python process to read some data from the pipe.
> Try using "ps" instead. Look in thte man page for the correct
> options (they differ between platforms). The default options do
> not show all processes, so they may not show the process you're
> looking for.
>> Anyway I also need to know when the process is over while waiting, so
>> probably a thread is the only way..
> This sounds confused.
> You don't need threads. When 'ls' finishes, you'll read end-of-file
> on the proc.stdout pipe. You should then call proc.wait() to reap
> its exit status (if you don't, you'll leave a zombie process).
> Since the process has already finished, the proc.wait() call will
> not actually do any waiting.
> Hope this helps,
Well there is a process which has to do two things, monitor
periodically some external conditions (filesystem / db), and launch a
process that can take very long time.
So I can't put a wait anywhere, or I'll stop everything else. But at
the same time I need to know when the process is finished, which I
could do but without a wait might get hacky.
So I'm quite sure I just need to run the subprocess in a subthread
unless I'm missing something obvious..
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