How to get the list of all my open file(descriptor)s and locks?

Ian Kelly ian.g.kelly at
Wed Sep 19 17:09:47 EDT 2012

On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 11:34 AM, Ismael Farfán <sulfurfff at> wrote:
> So the question:
> * If I execve a python script (from C), how can I retrieve the list of
> files, and optionally the list of locks, from within the execve(d)
> python process so that I can use them?
> Some more info:
> I'm working with exotic stuff like AIX and Solaris 10 (Windows and
> linux too :) and my lowest common denominator is python 2.3.

You could do:

os.listdir("/proc/%d/fd" % os.getpid())

This should work on Linux, AIX, and Solaris, but obviously not on Windows.

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