Memory usage per top 10x usage per heapy
junkshops at
Tue Sep 25 14:08:29 EDT 2012
> Can you give an example of how these data structures look after
> reading only the first 5 lines?
Sure, here you go:
In [38]: mpef._ustore._store
Out[38]: defaultdict(<type 'dict'>, {'Measurement':
<micropheno.exchangeformat.Exceptions.FileContext object at 0x2f0fe90>,
<micropheno.exchangeformat.Exceptions.FileContext object at 0x2f0fad0>,
<micropheno.exchangeformat.Exceptions.FileContext object at 0x2f0f4d0>,
<micropheno.exchangeformat.Exceptions.FileContext object at 0x2f0f910>,
<micropheno.exchangeformat.Exceptions.FileContext object at 0x2f0f550>}})
In [39]:
Out[39]: 'Measurement'
In [40]:
Out[40]: 5
In [41]: mpef._ustore._idstore
Out[41]: defaultdict(<class
'micropheno.exchangeformat.KBaseID.IDStore'>, {'Measurement':
<micropheno.exchangeformat.KBaseID.IDStore object at 0x2f0f950>})
In [43]: mpef._ustore._idstore['Measurement']._SIDstore
Out[43]: defaultdict(<function <lambda> at 0x2ece7d0>, {'emailRemoved':
defaultdict(<function <lambda> at 0x2c4caa0>, {'microPhenoShew2011':
defaultdict(<type 'dict'>, {0: {'MLR_124572462':
'8991c2dc67a49b909918477ee4efd767', 'MLR_124572161':
'7b38b429230f00fe4731e60419e92346', 'SMMLR_12551352':
'b53531471b261c44d52f651add647544', 'SMMLR_12551051':
'0de96f928dc471b297f8a305e71ae3e1', 'SMMLR_12550750':
On 9/25/2012 4:33 AM, Oscar Benjamin wrote:
> On 25 September 2012 00:58, Junkshops <junkshops at
> <mailto:junkshops at>> wrote:
> Hi Tim, thanks for the response.
> - check how you're reading the data: are you iterating over
> the lines a row at a time, or are you using
> .read()/.readlines() to pull in the whole file and then
> operate on that?
> I'm using enumerate() on an iterable input (which in this case is
> the filehandle).
> - check how you're storing them: are you holding onto more
> than you think you are?
> I've used ipython to look through my data structures (without
> going into ungainly detail, 2 dicts with X numbers of key/value
> pairs, where X = number of lines in the file), and everything
> seems to be working correctly. Like I say, heapy output looks
> reasonable - I don't see anything surprising there. In one dict
> I'm storing a id string (the first token in each line of the file)
> with values as (again, without going into massive detail) the md5
> of the contents of the line. The second dict has the md5 as the
> key and an object with __slots__ set that stores the line number
> of the file and the type of object that line represents.
> Can you give an example of how these data structures look after
> reading only the first 5 lines?
> Oscar
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