how to run shell command like "<<EOT .... EOT"
ye.youqun at
Fri Sep 28 03:45:58 EDT 2012
Hi, all,
I have the shell command like this:
sfdisk -uM /dev/sdb << EOT
I have tried subprocess.Popen, pexpect.spawn and os.popen, but none
of these works, but when I type this shell command in shell, it is works
fine. I wonder how to emulate this type of behavior in python , and if
someone can figure out the reason why?
The sample code of subprocess.Popen is:
command = ["sfdisk", "-uM", target, "<<EOT", "\r\n",
",", 1000, ",", "83", "\r\n",
",", ",", "83", "\r\n", "EOT", "\r\n"]
pobj = subprocess.Popen (command, bufsize=1, \
stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
res = pobj.stderr.readline ()
if res is not None and pobj.returncode != 0:
observer.ShowProgress (u"对设备 %s 分区失败!" % target)
return False
and pexpect code is:
child = pexpect.spawn ("sfdisk -uM /dev/sdb <<EOT")
child.sendline (....)
child.sendline (....)
child.sendline (....)
and os.popen like this:
os.popen ("sfdisk -uM /dev/sdb <<EOT\n,1000,83\n,,83\nEOT\n")
I tried "\r\n", and it doesn't work either.
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