Can read in the BMP data correctly ,but the size is not right?
Jimmie He
jimmie.he at
Mon Apr 29 13:20:49 EDT 2013
I'm trying to read in the BMP data by the the code below,and I'm check the data array with WINHEX,and it is correct,but which confuse me is why the size is 0x180,but the actual picture should be 48*48 = 0x120 bytes because I use 1-bit BMP not the 24bit BMP,could any one give some hints?
__Head_Info = [
[ 'Type' ,0 , 2],#BM
[ 'FSize' ,2 , 4],#File Size
[ 'Reserved' ,6 , 4],#0x00000000
[ 'OffBits' ,10 , 4],#Offset of Image
[ 'SSize' ,14 , 4],# 40
[ 'Width' ,18 , 4],#Width
[ 'Height' ,22 , 4],#Hight
[ 'Planes' ,26 , 2],#1
[ 'BitCount' ,28 , 2],#{1,2,4,8,24}
[ 'Compress' ,30 , 4],#0
[ 'SizeImage' ,34 , 4],#Bytes Per Line
[ 'XPM' ,38 , 4],#2835
[ 'YPM' ,42 , 4],#2835
[ 'ClrUsed' ,46 , 4],#0
[ 'ClrImportant' ,50 , 4]#0
_Type =0;
_FSize =1;
_Reserved =2;
_OffBits =3;
_SSize =4;
_Width =5;
_Height =6;
_Planes =7;
_BitCount =8;
_Compress =9;
_SizeImage =10;
_XPM =11;
_YPM =12;
_ClrUsed =13;
_ClrImportant =14;
def __getInt( b, idx):
return binToInt(b,__Head_Info[idx][1],__Head_Info[idx][2])
def saveMatrixtoASC(bmpfilename,ascfilename):
handle1=open( bmpfilename ,"rb")
raw = bytearray( ))
except Exception as E:
return "error:"+ str(E),""
datastart=__getInt(raw, _OffBits)
datasize =__getInt(raw, _SizeImage)
print ('Image Offset = 0x%X'%datastart)
print ('Image Size = 0x%X'%datasize)
handle2=open( ascfilename ,"w")
for i in range(0,datasize):
if (i+1) % 16 == 0 :
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