protect logger from shutdown syslogd
Mathias KÅ‘rber
mathias at
Mon Feb 25 00:34:03 EST 2013
I have a script which calls getLogger to set up a logging service.
The standard logger description used both the consoleHandler and the
It seems that if syslogd is shut down, getLogger fails, and the script
won't be able to log at all.
is there a way to make it immune against this and automatically continue
the consoleHandler. Sure, we could amend the .ini file
to remove the syslogHandler from the logger definition when this is
known, but on a cron-initiated script this is not feasible.
below is the logger definition:
> [loggers]
> keys=root,mylogger
> [handlers]
> keys=consoleHandler,syslogHandler,rootHandler
> [formatters]
> keys=simpleFormatter,syslogFormatter,rootFormatter
> [logger_root]
> level=NOTSET
> handlers=rootHandler
> [logger_mylogger]
> level=INFO
> handlers=consoleHandler,syslogHandler
> #handlers=syslogHandler
> #handlers=consoleHandler
> qualname=mylogger
> propagate=0
> [handler_rootHandler]
> class=StreamHandler
> level=DEBUG
> formatter=rootFormatter
> args=(sys.stdout,)
> [handler_consoleHandler]
> class=StreamHandler
> level=DEBUG
> formatter=simpleFormatter
> args=(sys.stdout,)
> [handler_syslogHandler]
> class=handlers.SysLogHandler
> formatter=syslogFormatter
> level=INFO
> #args=(('localhost', handlers.SYSLOG_UDP_PORT), handlers.SysLogHandler.LOG_USER)
> args=('/dev/log', handlers.SysLogHandler.LOG_USER)
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