stmplib MIMEText charset weirdness
Adam W.
AWasilenko at
Tue Feb 26 10:29:19 EST 2013
On Tuesday, February 26, 2013 2:10:28 AM UTC-5, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Mon, 25 Feb 2013 20:00:24 -0800, Adam W. wrote:
> The documentation for MIMEText is rather terse, but it implies that the
> parameter given should be a string, not bytes:
> If I provide a string, it seems to work fine:
Ok, working under the assumption you need to provide it a string, it still leaves the question why adding the header after the fact (to a string input) does not produce the same result as declaring the encoding type inline.
> > As opposed to:
> >
> >>>> text = MIMEText('❤¥'.encode('utf-8'), 'html', 'utf-8')
> >>>> text.as_string()
> > 'Content-Type: text/html; charset="utf-8"\nMIME-Version:
> > 1.0\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n\n4p2kwqU=\n'
> My wild guess is that it is an accident (possibly a bug) that the above
> works at all. I think it shouldn't; MIMEText is expecting a string, and
> you provide a bytes object. The documentation for the email package
> states:
> [quote]
> Here are the major differences between email version 5.0 and version 4:
> All operations are on unicode strings. Text inputs must be strings,
> text outputs are strings. Outputs are limited to the ASCII character set
> and so can be encoded to ASCII for transmission. Inputs are also limited
> to ASCII; this is an acknowledged limitation of email 5.0 and means it
> can only be used to parse email that is 7bit clean.
> [end quote]
I find this limitation hard to believe, why bother with encoding flags if it can only ever accept ASCII anyway?
The reason this issue came up was because I was adding the header after like in my examples and it wasn't working, so I Google'd around and found this Stackoverflow:
Which seemed to be doing exactly what I wanted, with the only difference is the inline deceleration of utf-8, with that change it started working as desired...
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