problem with exam task for college
jeltedeproft at
jeltedeproft at
Fri Jan 4 15:01:10 EST 2013
woow jeezes, thanks for the amazingly fast and detailed response, you guys are amazing.
let's clear a few things up :
1) points is a module in vpython to make points, the points do in fact appear although its not really the effect i intended to have, the points are "lined up" in stead of randomly separated, if you know what i mean
2) sorry for the dutch names :)
3) i put the parenteces there and then i got a bunch of errors which i fixed
2 problems:
a) my program seems to be stuck in the update phase of brandstoftank(=fuel tank), it doesnt get to the update of the spaceship
b) the problem i originally described in my first post was not resolved, by means of elimination i could conclude that the problem situates itself in this lines :
if (s == "left"):
self.gas = rotate(self.gas,angle = math.pi/10, axis = (0,0,1))
c = list(self.frame.axis)
c[2] -= 0.1
c = tuple(c)
c = self.frame.axis
if (s == "right") :
self.gas = rotate(self.gas,angle = -(math.pi/10), axis = (0,0,1))
c = list(self.frame.axis)
c[2] += 0.1
c = tuple(c)
c = self.frame.axis
i will put the full revisited code here :
from visual import *
import time
import math
import random
from datetime import datetime
import operator
class lunar_lander(object):
def __init__(self):
scene.title = 'mini star wars'
scene.width = 375
scene.height = 550 = (0,0)
self.pos = (0,0)
self.axis = 0
self.brandstofmeter_view = brandstofmeter_view()
self.ruimteschip = ruimteschip()
self.view = game_view(self)
def play(self):
while t<999999999:
t = t + dt
class game_view(object):
def __init__(self,owner):
box(pos=( 0, -375, 0), length=500, height=5, width=0, color = color.white)
box(pos=(0,375, 0), length=500, height=5, width=0, color = color.white)
box(pos=(-250,0, 0), length=5, height=750, width=0, color = color.white)
box(pos=(250,0, 0), length=5, height=750, width=0, color = color.white)
maan = curve(pos=[(-250,-353),(-240,-341),(-210,-354),(-199.5,-374)],
maana = curve(pos=[(-199.5,-374),(-166,-374)],
maanb = curve(pos=[(-166,-374),(-140,-357),(-80,-319),(-40,-361),(0,-321),(40,-329),(80,-347)],
maanc = curve(pos=[(80,-347),(140,-347)],
maand = curve(pos=[(140,-347),(162,-337),(189.5,-365),(210,-355),(240,-372),(250,-338)],
for i in random.sample(range (-250,250),20):
for j in random.sample(range (-375,375),20):
sterren = points(pos = [i,j,0],size = 2, color=color.white)
class brandstofmeter_view(object):
def __init__(self):
axis = 0
self.pos = (220,345)
self.meter = box(pos = self.pos, lenght = 25, height = 45,color =
def update (self):
s = scene.kb.getkey()
if (s == "up"):
self.meter.height = self.meter.height - 1
class ruimteschip(object):
def __init__(self):
self.pos = vector(0,330)
self.acceleration = vector(0,-88,0)
self.axis = (1,0,0)
self.hoek = (90*math.pi)/180
self.graden = math.degrees(self.hoek)
self.gas = vector(10 * cos(self.hoek),10 * sin (self.hoek))
self.velocity = vector(0,0,0)
self.angle = (1,0,0)
self.view = ruimteschip_view(self)
self.vlam = self.view.vlam
self.frame = self.view.frame
def update(self,dt):
self.velocity = self.velocity + (self.acceleration * dt)
self.pos = self.pos + self.velocity * dt
a = 0
b = 0
if scene.kb.keys:
a = a + 0.001
s = scene.kb.getkey()
if (s == "up"):
self.velocity = self.velocity + self.gas
self.vlam.visible = True
b = b + 2
if (s == "left"):
self.gas = rotate(self.gas,angle = math.pi/10, axis = (0,0,1))
c = list(self.frame.axis)
c[2] -= 0.1
c = tuple(c)
c = self.frame.axis
if (s == "right") :
self.gas = rotate(self.gas,angle = -(math.pi/10), axis = (0,0,1))
c = list(self.frame.axis)
c[2] += 0.1
c = tuple(c)
c = self.frame.axis
if (a == 0):
self.vlam.visible = False
if self.pos.x > 250:
self.pos.x = -250
if self.pos.x < -250:
self.pos.x = 250
class ruimteschip_view(object):
def __init__(self,owner):
self.owner = owner
self.frame = frame(pos = owner.pos,axis = owner.axis)
self.motor = curve(frame = self.frame,pos=[(0,24.0),(22.0,24.0),(22.0,39.0),(-22.0,39.0),(-22,24),(0,24)])
self.capsule = curve(frame = self.frame,color = ,pos=[(0,39),(-3,39),(-9,44),(-12,46),(-18,48),(-22,50),(-18,52),(-12,54),(-9,56),(-3,61),(0,61),(3,59),(9,56),(12,54),(18,52),(22,50),(18,48),(12,46),(9,44),(3,39),(0,39)])
self.poota = curve(frame = self.frame,pos = [(-18,24),(-20,24),(-20,0),(-18,0),(-18,24)])
self.pootb = curve(frame = self.frame,pos = [(18,24),(20,24),(20,0),(18,0),(18,24)])
self.vlam = curve(frame = self.frame,color = , visible=false,pos = [(0,24.0),(-9.0,14.0),(0,-5.0),(9,14.0),(0,24.0)])
def update(self,owner):
self.frame.axis = owner.axis
self.frame.pos = owner.pos
thanks again, are you guys getting paid for this or is this voluntarily? either way i really appreciate it
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