Over 30 types of variables available in python ?
Dave Angel
d at davea.name
Sun Jan 6 18:32:07 EST 2013
On 01/06/2013 06:12 PM, chaouche yacine wrote:
> booleans
> ints, floats, longs, complexes
> strings, unicode strings
> lists, tuples, dictionaries, dictionary views, sets, frozensets, buffers, bytearrays, slices
> functions, methods, code objects,modules,classes, instances, types, nulls (there is exactly one object of type Null which is None), tracebacks, frames
> generators, iterators, xranges,
> files,
> memoryviews,
> context managers,
> These are all listed in this page http://docs.python.org/2/library/stdtypes.html as built-in types. Am I getting anything wrong here ? I'm a bit confused about it. I have never seen so many types in the few programming languages I saw.
First, you're describing Python 2.x ; 3.x is different in a few
ways. For one, int and long are combined into a single type.
Variables don't have types. Only objects have types. A name can be
bound to any object, regardless of its type, or to what it might have
been previously bound.
Otherwise, you're right. Python is a rich language, with "batteries
included." There's a lot in the built-in space, but if you include the
stdlib, it's really rich. And if you include the fact that objects you
define yourself are first-class, there are very few limits.
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