unit selection problem
Paul Pittlerson
menkomigen6 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 14 15:29:17 EST 2013
Unit selection doesn't work properly. Pygames event.pos returns a tuple of the coords within the current window, so it's not possible to select units outside of the top left corner.
from pygamehelper import *
from pygame import *
from pygame.locals import *
from vec2d import *
from math import e, pi, cos, sin, sqrt
from random import uniform
from mapeditor import *
from entity import *
from spritesheet import *
# version alpha 0.1
# map drawing seems functional, albeit crude
class Starter(PygameHelper):
def __init__(self):
self.w, self.h = 1600, 900
PygameHelper.__init__(self, size=(self.w, self.h), fill=((255,255,255)))
self.map_layout = map_constructor("map.png", 2400)
self.object_counter = len(self.map_layout.all_map_objects)
map_textures = get_sprites( (48, 48) ,"spritesheet.png" , (0, 0) )
self.collision_map = []
# defines all map objects in readable format
self.map_sprite_list = {
'floor_red' : map_textures.sprites[0],
'floor_dark' : map_textures.sprites[2],
'wall' : map_textures.sprites[1],
'proto_unit' : map_textures.sprites[3],
# map scrolling modifiers
self.mod_w = 0
self.mod_h = 0
# introduce agents
self.agent_list = []
self.selected = []
# TODO: make surface size relative to map size
self.mapSurf = pygame.Surface( (3600, 3600) )
# draw the floor once
for e in self.map_layout.fixed_list:
if e.type == 1:
self.mapSurf.blit(self.map_sprite_list['floor_red'], e.rect)
self.mapSurfRect = self.mapSurf.get_rect()
# create a collision map based on wall positions
for e in self.map_layout.all_map_objects:
if e.type == 2:
wall_object = wall()
wall_object.pos = vec2d((e.x_position + 24), (e.y_position + 30))
wall_object.target = wall_object.pos
for e in self.map_layout.all_map_objects: # check map for agents
if e.type == 3:
a = agent()
a.pos = vec2d(e.x_position, e.y_position)
print a.pos
a.target = a.pos
def update(self):
# map scrolling
self.mapSurfRect.center = (((self.w / 2) + self.mod_w), (((self.h / 2)) + self.mod_h))
# update agent position
for a in self.agent_list:
dir = a.target - a.pos
if dir.length >= 3:
dir.length = 3
a.pos = a.pos + dir
# update the walls, so they are drawn above the floor
for e in self.map_layout.fixed_list:
if e.type == 2:
self.mapSurf.blit(self.map_sprite_list['wall'], e.rect)
# add agents to the mapSurf
for a in self.agent_list:
self.mapSurf.blit(self.map_sprite_list['proto_unit'], a.pos)
def keyUp(self, key):
def keyDown(self, key):
# move the mapSurf object
# TODO: implement continuous camera movement while key is pressed
if key == K_RIGHT:
self.mod_w -= 100
if key == K_LEFT:
self.mod_w += 100
if key == K_UP:
self.mod_h += 100
if key == K_DOWN:
self.mod_h -= 100
def mouseUp(self, button, pos):
# select agent
if button==1:
print pos
for a in self.agent_list:
if a.pos.get_distance(vec2d(pos)) < 24:
print 'selected'
# right click to move selected agents
if button==3:
for a in self.selected:
a.target = vec2d(pos)
def mouseMotion(self, buttons, pos, rel):
def draw(self):
self.screen.blit(self.mapSurf, self.mapSurfRect)
#for a in self.selected:
# pygame.draw.circle(self.mapSurf, (50,200,50), a.pos.inttup(), 18, 1) # represent selected units
s = Starter()
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