mysql solution
Ferrous Cranus
nikos.gr33k at
Fri Jan 25 10:43:53 EST 2013
Τη Πέμπτη, 24 Ιανουαρίου 2013 10:43:59 μ.μ. UTC+2, ο χρήστης Dennis Lee Bieber έγραψε:
> On Thu, 24 Jan 2013 03:04:46 -0800 (PST), Ferrous Cranus
> <nikos.gr33k at> declaimed the following in
> gmane.comp.python.general:
> > # insert new page record in table counters or update it if already exists
> > try:
> > cursor.execute( '''INSERT INTO counters(page, hits) VALUES(%s, %s)
> > ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE hits = hits + 1''', (htmlpage, 1) )
> > except MySQLdb.Error, e:
> > print ( "Query Error: ", sys.exc_info()[1].excepinfo()[2] )
> >
> > # update existing visitor record if same pin and same host found
> > try:
> > cursor.execute( '''UPDATE visitors SET hits = hits + 1, useros = %s, browser = %s, date = %s WHERE pin = %s AND host = %s''', (useros, browser, date, pin, host))
> > except MySQLdb.Error, e:
> > print ( "Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1]) )
> >
> > # insert new visitor record if above update did not affect a row
> > if cursor.rowcount == 0:
> > cursor.execute( '''INSERT INTO visitors(hits, host, useros, browser, date) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)''', (1, host, useros, browser, date) )
> >
> Seeing the database schema would help. At present I have no idea
> what is defined as a key, what may be a foreign key, etc.
> For example: you show a "counters" table in which you are saving
> "hits" per page (I presume the URL is being saved). But the very next
> thing you are doing is something with a hit count in a "visitors" table
> which appears to be keyed by the combination of "host" and "pin" -- but
> you've failed to provide "pin" on the INSERT.
> Furthermore, your "visitors" table is only saving the most recent
> "useros" and "browser" data... Is that what you really want -- or do you
> want to log ALL users that visit the page.
> Making presumptions, I'd probably have something like:
> create table counters
> (
> ID integer not null auto_increment primary key,
> URL varchar(255) not null,
> hits integer not null default 1,
> unique index (URL)
> );
> create table visitors
> (
> ID integer not null auto_increment primary key,
> counterID integer not null,
> host varchar(255) not null,
> userOS varchar(255) not null,
> browser varchar(255) not null,
> hits integer not null default 1,
> lastVisit datetime not null,
> foreign key (counterID) references counters (ID),
> unique index (counterID, host)
> );
> -=-=-=-
> con = db.connection()
> cur = con.cursor()
> try:
> #find the needed counter for the page URL
> cur.execute("select ID from counters where URL = %s", (htmlpage, ) )
> data = cur.fetchone() #URL is unique, so should only be one
> if not data:
> #first time for page; primary key is automatic, hit is defaulted
> cur.execute("insert into counters (URL) values (%s)",
> (htmlpage,) )
> cID = cur.lastrowid #get the primary key value of the new record
> else:
> #found the page, save primary key and use it to issue hit update
> cID = data[0]
> cur.execute("update counters set hits = hits + 1 where ID = %s",
> (cID,) )
> #find the visitor record for the (saved) cID and current host
> cur.execute("""select ID from visitors
> where counterID = %s
> and host = %s""",
> (cID, host) )
> data = cur.fetchone() #cID&host are unique
> if not data:
> #first time for this host on this page, create new record
> cur.execute("""insert into visitors
> (counterID, host, userOS, browser, lastVisit)
> values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""",
> (cID, host, useros, browser, date) )
> #primary key and hits are defaulted, don't care about key
> else:
> #found the page, save its primary key for later use
> vID = data[0]
> #update record using retrieved vID
> cur.execute("""update visitors set
> userOS = %s,
> browser = %s,
> lastVisit = %s,
> hits = hits + 1
> where ID = %s""",
> (useros, browser, date, vID) )
> con.commit() #if we made it here, the transaction is complete
> except: #blind excepts aren't "good", but you get the idea
> #ANY exception needs to rollback the above sequence
> con.rollback() #something failed, rollback the entire transaction
> print "ERROR DURING hit counter update sequence"
It worked like a charm! Thank you very much!
what do you mean by that?
" Furthermore, your "visitors" table is only saving the most recent
"useros" and "browser" data... Is that what you really want -- or do you
want to log ALL users that visit the page. "
If the same hostname visits my webpage multiple times i only update the userOS, bwoswer, date information.
What do you mean?
And also: why does the table 'visitors' ahs to have an auto increment column ID what for?
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