UnpicklingError: NEWOBJ class argument isn't a type object
skunkwerk at gmail.com
Mon Jul 8 19:38:17 EDT 2013
On Monday, July 8, 2013 12:45:55 AM UTC-7, Peter Otten wrote:
> skunkwerk wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'm using a custom pickler that replaces any un-pickleable objects (such
> > as sockets or files) with a string representation of them, based on the
> > code from Shane Hathaway here:
> > http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4080688/python-pickling-a-dict-with-
> some-unpicklable-items
> >
> > It works most of the time, but when I try to unpickle a Django
> > HttpResponse, I get the following error: UnpicklingError: NEWOBJ class
> > argument isn't a type object
> >
> > I have no clue what the error actually means. If it pickles okay, why
> > should it not be able to unpickle? Any ideas?
> A simple way to provoke the error is to rebind the name referring to the
> class of the pickled object:
> >>> import cPickle
> >>> class A(object): pass
> ...
> >>> p = cPickle.dumps(A(), -1)
> >>> cPickle.loads(p)
> <__main__.A object at 0x7fce7bb58c50>
> >>> A = 42
> >>> cPickle.loads(p)
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
> cPickle.UnpicklingError: NEWOBJ class argument isn't a type object
> You may be doing something to that effect.
Hey Peter,
I tried unpickling even from another file with no other code in it, but came up with the same error - so I don't think it's a rebinding issue.
But I got the error to disappear when I removed the "hasattr(obj, '__getstate__')" from this line of code in the persistent_id function:
if not hasattr(obj, '__getstate__') and isinstance(obj,(basestring, bool, int, long, float, complex, tuple, list, set, dict)):
return ["filtered:%s" % type(obj)]
When I do that, I get a few more FilteredObjects in the result, for things like:
<class 'django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest'>
<class 'MySQLdb.connections.Connection'>
I figured these classes must have __getstate__ methods which leads to them being pickled without a persistent_id (it turns out they actually have __repr__ methods).
So these classes get pickled fine, but run into problems when trying to unpickle them. I understand why ImportErrors would happen if the necessary modules haven't been loaded, but this NEWOBJ error is still kind of mystifying.
I guess I just won't pickle any classes for now, if unpickling them is going to be dicey.
thanks for the help guys,
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