Changing filenames from Greeklish => Greek (subprocess complain)
Νικόλαος Κούρας
nikos.gr33k at
Sun Jun 2 11:23:23 EDT 2013
Τη Κυριακή, 2 Ιουνίου 2013 6:15:16 μ.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης Chris Angelico έγραψε:
>> Apart from the "funny" commenting, can you for once contribute towards to an >> actual solution or this is the best you can do to prove yourself smart in here
>> by talking down on me?
> What makes you think you can demand that we contribute to your problems?
I'am an OP like everybody else in here and i don't demand anything.
But ome people instead of being helpfull or even ignore, think its better to belittle me. You are a special case, because you do both(you ahve actually provided me hits manh times), but that is not the case of some other regulars.
> I'm serious. Why do you feel entitled to assistance, when you won't
> even put some effort into your posts? You loudly proclaim that you've
> "spent days looking for a solution" to some problem, yet you can't
> spend thirty seconds polishing your post before you hit Send?
I'm clipping my posts from googles '/n' addition and i'am quoating too.
> I call bogus (others may use some other b-word) on the whole "spent
> days" bit. If you had, you'd have found something.
Yes i have and i wasn't able to find something other that this maybe be a bug.
If i had i wouldn't be asking here.
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