Changing filenames from Greeklish => Greek (subprocess complain)
Νικόλαος Κούρας
nikos.gr33k at
Tue Jun 4 02:43:52 EDT 2013
Τη Τρίτη, 4 Ιουνίου 2013 1:37:37 π.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης Steven D'Aprano έγραψε:
>It looks like your client is ignoring the charset header, and
>interpreting the bytes as Latin-1 when they are actually ISO-8859-7.
>py> s = 'Eυχή του Ιησού.mp3'
>py> print(s.encode('ISO-8859-7').decode('latin-1'))
>Eõ÷Þ ôïõ Éçóïý.mp3
>which matches what you see. If you can manually tell your client to use
>ISO-8859-7, you should see it correctly.
I think is this is the case too steven, but it suprises me that Chrome ignores the charset header.
Actually when i toild explicitly Chrome to display everythign as utf-8 it presented the filanem properly.
py> print(s.encode('ISO-8859-7').decode('latin-1'))
Why you are encoding the 's' string to greek-iso?
Isn't it by itself in greek-iso since it uses greek letters?
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