Changing filenames from Greeklish => Greek (subprocess complain)
nagia.retsina at
nagia.retsina at
Mon Jun 10 03:10:38 EDT 2013
Τη Κυριακή, 9 Ιουνίου 2013 3:31:44 μ.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης Steven D'Aprano έγραψε:
> py> c = 'α'
> py> ord(c)
> 945
The number 945 is the characters 'α' ordinal value in the unicode charset correct?
The command in the python interactive session to show me how many bytes
this character will take upon encoding to utf-8 is:
>>> s = 'α'
>>> s.encode('utf-8')
I see that the encoding of this char takes 2 bytes. But why two exactly?
How do i calculate how many bits are needed to store this char into bytes?
Trying to to the same here but it gave me no bytes back.
>>> s = 'a'
>>> s.encode('utf-8')
>py> c.encode('utf-8')
> b'\xce\xb1'
2 bytes here. why 2?
> py> c.encode('utf-16be')
> b'\x03\xb1'
2 byets here also. but why 3 different bytes? the ordinal value of char 'a' is the same in unicode. the encodign system just takes the ordinal value end encode, but sinc eit uses 2 bytes should these 2 bytes be the same?
> py> c.encode('utf-32be')
> b'\x00\x00\x03\xb1
every char here takes exactly 4 bytes to be stored. okey.
> py> c.encode('iso-8859-7')
> b'\xe1'
And also does '\x' means that the value is being respresented in hex way?
and when i bin(6) i see '0b1000001'
I should expect to see 8 bits of 1s and 0's. what the 'b' is tryign to say?
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