python netcdf
Sudheer Joseph
sjo.india at
Wed Jun 5 21:52:14 EDT 2013
Thank you very much Jason
With best regards
On Thursday, June 6, 2013, Jason Swails wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 9:07 PM, Sudheer Joseph <sjo.india at<javascript:_e({}, 'cvml', 'sjo.india at');>
> > wrote:
>> Dear Members,
>> Is there a way to get the time:origin attribute from a
>> netcdf file as string using the Python netcdf?
> Attributes of the NetCDF file and attributes of each of the variables can
> be accessed via the dot-operator, as per standard Python.
> For instance, suppose that your NetCDF file has a Conventions attribute,
> you can access it via:
> ncfile.Conventions
> Suppose that your variable, time, has an attribute "origin", you can get
> it via:
> ncfile.variables['time'].origin
> Of course there's the question of what NetCDF bindings you're going to
> use. The options that I'm familiar with are the ScientificPython's
> NetCDFFile class (Scientific.IO.NetCDF.NetCDFFile), pynetcdf (which is just
> the ScientificPython's class in a standalone format), and the netCDF4
> package. Each option has a similar API with attributes accessed the same
> way.
> An example with netCDF4 (which is newer, has NetCDF 4 capabilities, and
> appears to be more supported):
> from netCDF4 import Dataset
> ncfile = Dataset('', 'r')
> origin = ncfile.variables['time'].origin
> etc. etc.
> The variables and dimensions of a NetCDF file are stored in dictionaries,
> and the data from variables are accessible via slicing:
> time_data = ncfile.variables['time'][:]
> The slice returns a numpy ndarray.
> HTH,
> Jason
Sent from my iPad Mini
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