A few questiosn about encoding
Chris “Kwpolska” Warrick
kwpolska at gmail.com
Sun Jun 9 13:12:22 EDT 2013
On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 12:44 PM, Νικόλαος Κούρας <nikos.gr33k at gmail.com> wrote:
> A few questiosn about encoding please:
>>> Since 1 byte can hold up to 256 chars, why not utf-8 use 1-byte for
>>> values up to 256?
>>Because then how do you tell when you need one byte, and when you need
>>two? If you read two bytes, and see 0x4C 0xFA, does that mean two
>>characters, with ordinal values 0x4C and 0xFA, or one character with
>>ordinal value 0x4CFA?
> I mean utf-8 could use 1 byte for storing the 1st 256 characters. I meant up to 256, not above 256.
It is required so the computer can know where characters begin.
0x0080 (first non-ASCII character) becomes 0xC280 in UTF-8. Further
details here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8#Description
>>> UTF-8 and UTF-16 and UTF-32
>>> I though the number beside of UTF- was to declare how many bits the
>>> character set was using to store a character into the hdd, no?
>>Not exactly, but close. UTF-32 is completely 32-bit (4 byte) values.
>>UTF-16 mostly uses 16-bit values, but sometimes it combines two 16-bit
>>values to make a surrogate pair.
> A surrogate pair is like itting for example Ctrl-A, which means is a combination character that consists of 2 different characters?
> Is this what a surrogate is? a pari of 2 chars?
Long story short: codepoint - 0x10000 (up to 20 bits) → two 10-bit
numbers → 0xD800 + first_half 0xDC00 + second_half. Rephrasing:
We take MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL B (U+1D401). If you have UTF-8: 𝐁
It is over 0xFFFF, and we need to use surrogate pairs. We end up with
0xD401, or 0b1101010000000001. Both representations are worthless, as
we have a 16-bit number, not a 20-bit one. We throw in some leading
zeroes and end up with 0b00001101010000000001. Split it in half and
we get 0b0000110101 and 0b0000000001, which we can now shorten to
0b110101 and 0b1, or translate to hex as 0x0035 and 0x0001. 0xD800 +
0x0035 and 0xDC00 + 0x0035 → 0xD835 0xDC00. Type it into python and:
>>> b'\xD8\x35\xDC\x01'.decode('utf-16be')
And before you ask: that “BE” stands for Big-Endian. Little-Endian
would mean reversing the bytes in a codepoint, which would make it
'\x35\xD8\x01\xDC' (the name is based on the first 256 characters,
which are 0x6500 for 'a' in a little-endian encoding.
Another question you may ask: 0xD800…0xDFFF are reserved in Unicode
for the purposes of UTF-16, so there is no conflicts.
>>UTF-8 uses 8-bit values, but sometimes
>>it combines two, three or four of them to represent a single code-point.
> 'a' to be utf8 encoded needs 1 byte to be stored ? (since ordinal = 65)
> 'α΄' to be utf8 encoded needs 2 bytes to be stored ? (since ordinal is > 127 )
yup. α is at 0x03B1, or 945 decimal.
> 'a chinese ideogramm' to be utf8 encoded needs 4 byte to be stored ? (since ordinal > 65000 )
Not necessarily, as CJK characters start at U+2E80, which is in the
3-byte range (0x0800 through 0xFFFF) — the table is here:
Kwpolska <http://kwpolska.tk> | GPG KEY: 5EAAEA16
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